Chapter 20 | A Kiss

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Ochaco's Pov.

  "Izuku I'm here," she whisper-shouted for him to hear. She started trying each of the keys to unlock his cell.

  "What!? What's going on!? Didn't the plan fail!?" Izuku swam up to the bars so fast he banged his head on the metal. After rubbed it, he grabbed the door's rails with both hands.

  "No, in fact, everything's going all according to it," she smiled. After trying a small silver key, a large rose-gold key, a rusty red-ish key, a key decorated with a shell at the end, and a few others, a plain bronze key opened the door. "Now come on! We need to go now!"

  Izuku swam out and hugged her quickly. She felt pink blush cover her cheeks.

  "We can do this later," she pulled away. "We can't celebrate before we're out of here, remember?"

  "Right," he nodded. Then he took her hand, ready to swim fast. "Where's the exit?"

  "Just a single right from here," she told him and within the blink of an eye, he was nearing the end of the hallway. He was incredibly good at swimming! Maybe he could teach her to swim better so that she could be a better lifeguard? 

  'Not the time Ochaco!'

  Soon they were out. All the guards spotted them and tried to stop them, but Izuku was already swimming at full speed no one was expecting this. Ochaco was happy the element of surprise was on their side. 

  But when they were maneuvering through the rocks, the guards started gaining speed and closing the gap between them.

  "Izuku they're catching up!" she shouted. 

  "We just need to make it to the kelp forest!" she yelled back. 

  So close! Would they make it!?

  Closer, closer, closer they got to the vegetation, but the guards weren't giving up either! 

  Finally, the kelp brushed her sides, and a little way in, Izuku swerved to the left. The guards sped right past them. 

  Izuku held her close to him and put a finger to his mouth, signaling her to be quiet. 

  She blushed. They were so close together! Izuku's face was red too. 

  Soon, he took her over to a rock near the forest to hide behind. 

  "We-We actually made it!" Ochaco laughed after a few minutes, panting. She was tired from all the swimming. Her legs were really sore... She couldn't even imagine the cramps tomorrow. That was going to hurt for a few days...

  "Ochaco... There's something I need to tell you..." he started.

   Suddenly she felt a suffocating feeling, literally! Did the potion run out!? Was it because there wasn't as much as last time!? The salty water in her lungs started to burn, and it also stung her eyes! The world started getting blurrier and blurrier even though the spell only wore off a few seconds ago. 

  'Izuku! Help me! Please...'

  "Ochaco? Ochaco!?" Izuku's words were muffled. 

Izuku's Pov.

  They did it! They made it! The plan he didn't know of actually worked! 

  He needed to tell her now while he was feeling confident. If he didn't tell her about his love for her, he would never gather the courage. It was now or never.

Love Deeper than the Ocean | IzuOcha Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now