Epilogue (Part 3) | Meow

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Izuku's Pov.

  He decided to live on land with Ochaco (right near the beach so he could visit his mom any time he wanted). They owned a lovely house near their hangout. It was strange to adjust during the first two weeks, but now after they were living together for a few months it was easier. 

  "So Izuku..." Ochaco walked over to him slowly. She looked like she had something to tell him and was trying to break it to him slowly. 

  "Hm? What is it Ochaco?" he wondered.

  "I might've... Um..." he noticed that she was holding her hands behind her back. Was she hiding something?

  "What did you do..?" he questioned. Looking into her eyes. She glanced away quickly.

  "I..." she fidgeted uncomfortably.

  What was she going to say? Was it bad? Did she do something behind his back?

  He tilted his head to the side in concern. Was something wrong? Could she be hurt?

  "Okay..." she breathed. "Today I went on the board walk... And I saw a box."

  She glanced back at him.

  "So then I walked up to it, wondering what it was..." she continued. "I looked into the box and there was the most adorable thing in it!"

  She took whatever was behind her back and shoved it in his face.

  "Please say we're keeping Marshmallow!" she pleaded. "It was all alone and scared and abandoned in the box! We can afford to keep it now that you've started your singing career and now that I'm an assistant."

  "Phew..." he sighed in relief. So it had nothing to do with divorcing him or anything.

  "Hm?" she looked confused. 

  "It's nothing," he shook his head and then turned his attention to the creature in front of him. 

  "Is that a... Dog..?" he was very confused. It had large green eyes and soft-looking white fur, although it seemed dirty. Its tiny, pointy ears were twitching a lot and it seemed like it lost the will to struggle out of Ochaco's grasp. 

  "No, it's a kitten," she took it away from his face and cuddled it instead. She clearly loved the creature.

  "And you already named it?" he thought back to the nickname 'Marshmallow'.

  "Yes..." she fidgeted again. "I want to keep it."

  "I don't know..." Izuku started, thinking about how he'd have no idea how to take of this mammal. He also had never had a pet, ever. Not even when he lived in the ocean. In fact, the first time he saw a beta fish in a tank, he fainted. How was he supposed to stay calm!? What if someone did the to him!? It was absolutely awful!

  "Please?" she begged. "I'll take care of it! Promise!"

  She held the kitten close to her chest and scratched the top of its small fluffy head. 

  Well... That certainly cleared up one of his concerns... Was there other things about cats that she wasn't telling him about though? Other downsides? It did seem calm though... Much more calm than a dog... 

  "But..." he didn't exactly want to make up excuses against this poor creature, he just didn't think he was ready...

Ochaco's Pov.

  Marshmallow was basically her child now! Even if her husband didn't agree to it, she already had plots in mind to secretly keep it! Wait... What was its gender anyway? She didn't want to call it 'it' forever. She'd have to take it to a vet for a checkup. 

  "But..." he seemed to be struggling to come up with an argument. This was good. She was winning their discussion. 

  "Marshmallow is our child now whether you like it or not," she joked, gaining the most surprised expression she'd ever seen on Izuku. His eyes were widened and his face turned red instantly. He opened and closed his mouth a few times like he was trying to grasp words but failing.

  "That was just a joke," she sat down next to him and leaned on his shoulder. "But I do want to adopt Marshmallow."

  The cat jumped out of her arms to Izuku's lap, staring at him with puppy dog eyes. 

  "Mew," it sounded. The adorable kitten obviously agreed with her. It wanted to stay. How could Izuku resist the feline's cries?

  "Well..." he gazed back into the kitten's eyes.  A soft smile spread across his lips. She almost won the argument. The next step was for Marshmallow to take.

  Next the cat rubbed against him. she could tell that this cat wanted someone to care for it, and Ochaco and Izuku were the perfect candidates!

  "Alright Marshmallow," he took the cat, holding it as she had. "Maybe you'd be a perfect new edition to our family."

  "Really!?" she exclaimed, hugging him. 

  "Yeah," he nodded.   

  The cat nuzzled him. It was like it knew Izuku was safe. That or it liked him because he secretly had a fish's tail. Either way, it seemed to like him. 

  That kitten that turned into a cat over the years stuck with them through thick and thin (which they found out was a she). Even when Izuku's voice was starting to be heard all around the world! She couldn't believe that he was becoming famous! It was true that his voice was the nicest one she's ever heard, but this was great! Shoto did occasional duets with him. Ochaco couldn't have been more happy! Well, of course she did become more happy when their child was born. That was the happiest she'd ever been in her life! 

  They still swam in the sea often, and there was nothing changing that. Nothing could destroy Izuku's love for the ocean. Most of Izuku's songs had references to the ocean or were about it, which made plenty of sense. Their cat didn't even seem to mind water, thankfully. She liked to play in it sometimes while she was washing dishes.

  She loved Izuku so much. She was so glad they met that fateful day at the rocks. Her life would've never been the same without him. He was so caring and kind... 

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