Epilogue | Approved

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Izuku's Pov.

  It had been one summer since they had met, and Ochaco was out of high school for the summer again. She explained how there were different grades and she was in a school called UA. She said that she was going to collage (if that was the right word) here at the beach. There were still a few years she needed to go through until she was in collage (he was pretty sure he was saying it wrong) though. 

  Today was a very special day. Why? Because Ochaco was going to meet his mom finally! 

  At the moment, he was talking his mom to the kelp forest. 

  "I'm so excited to meet her Izuku!" she was practically bubbling over with emotion. Did she think he was never going to get a mate? 

  "Okay... So... We're here," they stopped at the edge of the kelp forest. 

  "Where is she?" she started swimming closer, but he stopped her. 

  "If she comes out, you have to promise not to scream or freak out or faint," he told her.

  "I promise," she vowed. 

  "Ochaco, you can come out now," he called her, a smile painted on his face.

  She peeked her head around the plants and then after looking unsure, swam out all the way and showed her legs. 

  His mother gasped and he was worried she would disapprove, but instead, something seemingly miraculous happened.

  "She's beautiful!" his mom swam over to Ochaco to get a closer look. 

  "Hi Mama Midoriya- Oh- Um- I mean Inko," she let out an awkward laugh. 

  "You have a nickname for me?" Mom looked like she was about to cry tears of joy. "She's perfect! Why didn't you introduce us before?"

  'Mama Midoriya' was a nickname that stuck. Ochaco never called her anything different, but he knew that his mom would be okay with it. 

  "I was scared you were going to freak out..." he rubbed the back of his head.

  "I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Ochaco told his mom. 

  "I'm overjoyed to be meeting you!" his mom said back.

  "You're... Not scared I'm a human, right?" she checked. The brunette looked kind of nervous awaiting his mother's opinion. She didn't have time to be uncomfortable because his mother answered almost immediately. 

  "Not at all! I'm just happy Izuku found someone that loves him as much as he loves them!" she gave her a quick hug and Ochaco hugged back. 

  "What's your name?" his mom asked. 

  "Ochaco Uraraka," she responded. 

  "You have a lovely name!" Mom gushed. He could tell that she really liked Ochaco. 

  "Thank you," she smiled. 

  They were getting along great! 

  "Ochaco do you want to come over for dinner dear?" she asked. 

  "Sure," Ochaco nodded, a smile on her face. "I'd love to get to know you better!"

  At this point, his mom really was crying tears of joy. He couldn't recall a time that she was happier! 

  He was extremely happy that his Mom approved of their relationship. Now he needed to see what Ochaco's parents had to say...

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