Chapter 10 | Kacchan

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Ochaco's Pov.

  "So that was who you were talking about," Ochaco and Momo were walking back to the beach house. 

  "Yeah," Ochaco nodded her head. "I met Izuku when I was taking a walk near the rocks. I'm pretty sure he might've been stalking me at the time and that's how I found some of my nicest shells."

  "Todoroki didn't spare any time when I met him," Momo started. "Two summers ago, he approached me immediately when I was taking a walk on the beach alone. Of course, he didn't ask me out right then and there. But last summer was when I fell in love with him. Long-distance was hard, but I was always able to talk to him through this necklace."

  She lifted her conch up to give Ochaco a better view. 

  "Well, at least if anyone asks about them we can say that we decided to match," Ochaco reasoned. 

  "That's true," she nodded. "So how did Izuku get his hands on matching conches?"

  "Izuku told me that he found it actually..." Ochaco trailed off. Was that a lie? Did he really find it?

  She saw Momo's smile widen a bit. That was the face she made when she made a discovery or learned an interesting fact. 

  "Todoroki told me about a myth once. It's when sirens get conches when they're born and someday they find the matching one when they fall in love for the first time. It's so they can always keep their lover close to their heart," Momo told her. "I thought that was really sweet. That's how Shoto gave me my conch. Perhaps it's not a myth."

  "Wait... So then why did Izuku give me my conch then?" Ochaco wondered. "Why did he deliberately miss his chance to give it to a lover in the future to give it to me?"

  "I guess you'll have to ask them that yourself," Momo turned to her. She seemed to be hiding something. The brunette wasn't going to push it. 

  "Yeah... But not right now..." Ochaco didn't know how to ask that... Why did he give up his chances of giving this to someone he was in love with? She didn't know... 

  They walked in silence for a moment before she had a question for her friend. 

  "Did you know the guards at the castle don't even know each other's names?"

  "Has Todoroki ever sang a song for you?" she questioned at the same time. 

  They both laughed for a minute before Momo answered her question. This was something she wanted to know. Izuku might be more compelled to sing for her if he knew it was safe.

  "Yes," Momo nodded her head. "Shoto has the most beautiful voice in the whole world... Well, I might be saying that because I've never heard another siren sing before. He says his voice is awful even though it's not."

  "So does Izuku..." Ochaco realized, "Either we just think they will or do sound good and they're all insecure... Or the stereotype is that all of their voices are much more beautiful than what we could ever imagine... Either way, I still want to hear Izuku sing."

  "Tell me what you think when you do," Momo told her.

  "So what about those guards that don't know each other?" Ochaco wondered.

  "Yeah, isn't it funny that they don't even know who each is even though they've worked together for years?" Momo smiled.


  Ochaco bumped against someone.

  "Sorry-" she apologized, but then realized who it was. "It's you!"

  He had spiky blonde hair and red eyes. 

  "Tch, w-" she cut him off.

  "Come on, we need to talk. Now," she pulled on his arm and took Momo's hand.

  "Let me go-" he seemed angry, but she was even angrier beyond what this siren knew. 

  She tapped her conch until it started glowing. 

  "Katsuki Bakugo. A siren who somehow managed to get human legs and bullies Izuku for no reason at all," she watched his eyes widen at her and she smiled triumphantly. "What do you have to say about this, Kacchan?"

Izuku's Pov. 

  His conch glowing. 

  "Did Ochaco find something?" he wondered. 

  "Katsuki Bakugo. A siren who somehow managed to get human legs and bullies Izuku for no reason at all," Ochaco's voice was angered. "What do you have to say about this, Kacchan?"

  'She actually found him!?'

  He didn't know what to say. She actually found the siren in question!

  "How the-" a beep sounded, "-did you know that?"

  "I'm the one asking the questions here," Ochaco sounded really angry. He never heard her like this ever before. Although... They only knew each other for a week. 

  'Wow. Is she really going through with asking Kacchan how to get legs?'

  "I have one question and one thing I need you to do for me, got it?" Ochaco started.

  "How do you know him..?" he heard Momo ask. 

  "I'll tell you later," Ochaco responded.

  "Do you-" a beep rang out, "-expect me to do what you say?"

  "Yes because I know that you're a siren and if everyone knew, you wouldn't be able to go on land anymore," his friend threatened. "So how do you get legs?"

  "I use a potion I found," Kacchan was vague.

  "Give us the recipe," she demanded.

  So there was a formula. He could hear Kacchan hand over something... He couldn't tell what it was though.

  "Wait, you drink this every single time?" she sounded kind of disgusted.

  "No," Kacchan began. "I drink it once a year and I'm able to get human legs as long as I'm not in the water. If you're fully submerged, I get my tail back."

  "And the thing I need you to do for me," her voice got cold. "Apologize to Izuku for all that you've done to him the next time you see him."

  'So that's why she was so angry... She was mad at him for my sake...'

  "You don't need to do this Ochaco," he told her.

  "Yes I do Izuku," she spoke back to him, "All these years he hurt you and not a single apology. That changes today."

  "Fine, I'll do it," Kacchan growled.

  "Bakubro!" a voice in the distance called, "Where did you go?"

   "Now leave me alone and don't speak to me ever again," the spiky-haired blonde grumbled. 

  "Thanks! Bye!" Ochaco's voice went back to being cheery. 

  "And now I have to get all these ingredients... Momo, do you mind helping me? We can make one for Shoto too," Ochaco told her.

  "Okay," the raven-haired girl replied.

  "Thank you, Ochaco," he smiled. She couldn't see it, but he couldn't be any happier.

  "Of course Izuku," he could almost see her smiling face. "Anyway, you're the one that's going to have to drink this... It's pretty gross..."

  "I guess it's just payback for you having to drink the potion of seaweed that I gave you," he said. "I'll talk to you later. Bye Ochaco!"

  "Bye Izuku," the conch started to fade back to no glow.

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