Chapter 19 | Rescue Plan

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Izuku's Pov.

  "I captured this human while she was swimming through the coral reef," Izuku explained to the guards. They were really going through with this plan... He felt his stomach lurch in disagreement... What if this plan just ended up in a complete disaster?

  "Let me go!" Ochaco struggled (well, more like fake-struggled).

  "Two humans in a day? The sea must be swarming with them," a guard with a grey tail and helmet over his head wrinkled his face in disgust at Ochaco. He felt a burst of anger upon hearing this but kept his calm.

  "They can speak our language? Fascinating," a siren with a golden-yellow tail commented. "We'll take her from here."

  "No... Actually... I wanted to... Um... Take her to her cell myself," Izuku told them hopefully. This wasn't the plan at all! What was he doing!?

  "That's not necessary," the guard with the purple hair told him. "Just hand her over."

  "It was worth a shot..." he rubbed the back of his head. "But I'm not going to let you have her unless I know she's getting there safely."

  'I can't follow the plan! I just can't!'

  "Give her to us," the one with the grey tail threatened. 

  "I'm afraid I can't do that," he smacked the nearest guard away with his tail. The siren was sent backward, caught by the other two sentries. Izuku was glad that he wasn't hurt. As soon as he could, he started swimming away. 

  "What are you doing!?" Ochaco shouted. "Let me go!"   

  'I'm sorry Shoto, Ochaco... I've failed you...'

  That was when all of the guards caught them and the one with the grey tail took Ochaco away from him!

  "Just bring her to the guards and say you've captured her. Then hand her over," Shoto had told him. "It's as easy as that."

  Of course, he was disguised and so his tail was grey (from the octopus they captured. They scared it enough for it to spray more than enough ink) and he was wearing a makeshift seaweed hood and mask. He appeared to be a completely different siren! Well, him to himself. Maybe the others saw right through him. He wouldn't know.

  "I'm afraid you can't know the rest of the plan," Shoto told him. "But the rest is up to Uraraka and I."

  He was so frustrated with that! He messed up the plan as it was! Maybe if he knew the rest, he would've been able to do more!

  "Let's put her with the other human," the one with the helmet over his eyes suggested, beckoning the one with the yellow tail. The one with the purple tail handed him all the keys. 

  He nodded and then started swimming away with Ochaco.

  'Because of me, this whole mission failed!'

  "Ochaco!" he tried struggling out of the purple-haired guard's grasp. 

  "You're coming with me," the siren held him tighter and then started dragging him through another door than Ochaco! 

  "Ochaco! I'll save you I promise!" he shouted as she disappeared through a door. Then the darkness of the jail consumed him, draining his hope of the mission succeeding. 

Ochaco's Pov. 

  "Are you a good actor?" Shoto asked her, pulling her out of Izuku's earshot.

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