First Hunt

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"You're leaving again?" I asked Dean and Sam. They were packing up to leave on another hunt. A whole nest of vampires are terrorizing a town in Wyoming I guess.

"Yea I'm sorry y/n but work is work." Sam said.

"This place is closer it won't take too long." Dean said and smiled at me but I didn't smile back.

"But you were just in Vermont not three days ago. Aren't you still hurting?" I asked him. He frowned at me.

"No I'm fine. And babe, I don't want to leave either but I can't let Sam take on a nest by himself. Plus, like I said, Wyoming is closer than Vermont. It won't take long I swear." He said. He walked over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead then walked back to his duffle bag. "And besides, you have Kevin and Cas here to keep you company." He said and smiled.

"I know." I said like a sad little kid. "But um, this might be a little soon but, since Wyoming is closer do you think I could come?" I asked. Dean was silent for a minute and Sam looked at me then back to Dean. He looked a little worried. I felt small.

"Why do you want to come on a hunt with us?" He asked politely. I was surprised. Maybe he's actually considering it.

"Well I'm new to this and it's really interesting. I mean, I don't want to actually like kill anything but it would be cool to travel and help out a little." I said a little quiet. Dean sighed then looked at Sam. Sam shrugged his shoulders at him and they both looked at me.

"Fine." Dean said. I squealed and jumped up and down like a little girl. I hopped over to Dean and kissed him on the cheek and over to Sam and gave him a hug.

"This is so exciting!" I yelled. Dean smirked at me and winked. I jumped and ran down the hall to Kevin's room. I knocked on his door and before he could finish saying "come in" I burst through the door and jumped on his bed.

"I'm going on a hunt!" I told him. He smiled.

"Yay" he said sarcastically. I smiled at him and stood up and walked to the door. I reached the door and turned around to lean on the door frame.

"What are you gonna do without me?" I asked. He smiled.

"Play monopoly by myself. Duh" he said and smiled. I giggled and left the room. I wondered down the hall thinking to myself. What do you do on a hunt? How do you kill something?

"Dean, you need to trust me. Y/n is a danger to us all." I stopped mid step. I thought I heard Castiel. I put my back against the wall and stayed.

"Yea and how's that Cas?" Dean said sarcastically. My heart started racing faster and faster.

"I don't know. But I heard over angel radio that they're looking for her." Cas replied.

"Angels?" Sam asked. I peered out to see. Dean and Sam were still packing and halfheartedly listening to Cas.

"Yes Sam. I don't know what they want with her. But it might explain why Crowley came here. I think it would be best if I took her to a safe place." Cas said. This caught Dean's attention but he quickly went back to packing. It looked as though he was packing some of my clothes in his bag. Sam had finished and sat down.

"She's safe with us Cas. We aren't afraid of angels." Dean said. He finished and zipped up his bag. I backed up a bit and regained my normal everyday walk. Right foot left foot. Come on you can do this.

My heart pumped blood through my veins at a rapid pace.

"Y/n?" Sam asked. I looked up quickly and stumbled backwards slightly. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea. Yea I'm fine." I said and smiled unconvincingly. He knit his brow.

"What's got you?" He asked.

"Just excited to go with you guys." I said with the same cheesy smile plastered on my face. He looked unconvinced.

"Okay well uh we're ready to go." he said awkwardly. I smile and nodded. He walked passed me I assume to get to Kevin. I walked forward to the open space with Dean and Cas. My heart still beating fast.

"You ready?" Dean asked. I hesitated for a moment.


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