Dean POV

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"Crowleys got her Sam" I yelled. I grabbed my duffel bag and began putting clothes in. I have to get to Kevin's and convince him that I need the tablet.

"Wait what?" Sam said. "How did Crowley get her?"

"I don't know sam I just woke up and she wasn't here" I yelled.

"Why are you yelling at me?" I just ignored him.

I zipped my bag and started walking out but Sam caught me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To Kevin's"

"Why?" He asked. I paused for a minute. Sam would never let me. But I need to get y/n back.

"I need the demon tablet" I said quietly. Sam raised his eyebrows.

"Your not giving the demon tablet to Crowley right?"

"He's going to torture her if I don't. The longer I take the worse it gets so get out of my way" I said.

"Dude, let's talk about this. Let's just trap him"

"Sam I can't risk it just move" I looked up at him. He pursed his lips then sighed.

"I'm coming with" he said. I nodded and opened the door of Bobby's.


"Kevin it's us" I yelled and banged on the door. The door flung open and Kevin sprayed us with holy water. God this kid is paranoid.

"Sorry" he said quickly then turned and walked to his desk. "Haven't seen you guys in a while" he looked up from the tablet. "What's new?" I sighed.

"Um well, I met this girl." I said. Kevin smiled and raised his brow.

"What strip club is she from?" He laughed at himself. I rolled my eyes.

"She's not. She's a nerdy bookworm with amazing legs. Uh well anyway I need something" I said. My voice slightly shaky.

"Ah amazing legs. I picked you more for an ass guy" he said.

"Well her ass is pretty nice too. But that's not the point. Kevin I need the tablet." He stiffened a bit.

"Why?" He asked.

"This girl, y/n, well Crowley has her" I looked back at sam who was looking down at the floor then back to Kevin who was still listening. "And I need the tablet to get her back."

Kevin looked at me for a moment. Speechless.

"Your gonna give the king of hell the tablet that hold answers to his every problem and could potentially end life as we know it, for a girl?" He asked. He moved his hands over the tablet as if I was gonna steal it from him.

"Well when you put it that way-" I started.

"Dean he has a point" Sam interrupted. I turned around to sam who was looking at me already.

"Sam she's in danger because of me. I can't just leave her." I said. I turned back to Kevin

"Give me the tablet" I said. Kevin looked scared. I hate to do this but I have to.

"Give me the God damn tablet kevin" I yelled. He stood up and grabbed the tablet and slowly started backing away. Sam held my shoulder.

"Dean calm down." Sam said. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was a text from the number y/n called me on. I opened it and there it was. Crowley's picture update. Y/n was strapped to a metal table. She had a cut on her lower abdomen.

"We need to get her back"

That Apple Pie Life (Dean Winchester Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now