Part one Chapter one

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Luche looked across the room at the girl that was sitting at a table. She seemed so lost and lonely at this moment, but she was far from that. She was the second in command of the Glaives. She had earned her spot and the respect she was given, but he saw a sadness in her that no one else did. This girl was broken and running from something. Maybe in time, she would open to someone. Luche hoped it would be him. He saw her down her drink and stand. She nods and waves to a few Glaives as she walks out of the bar. In the five years he has been in the Glaives he has never heard her talk. Some would think that would make her job hard, but they all knew what she meant with the signals she gives them.

He got up and paid for his drink, walking out he saw her and went over to her.

"Mind if I walk with you home?" he asked her. When she rolled her eyes at him, he smiled. She showed him her phone.

I don't need help getting home and who says I'm even going home?

Luche laughed.

"Well, where are you going then?" She glared at him and he knew that look has scared off a bunch of other people but not him.

Where I go is none of your business.

He read her message.

"Sure, it is. I just want to make sure you get home safe." She started typing.

I have been trained to fight since I was four, I can take care of myself. I don't need your help.

"Oh, sweetheart you are going to hurt my feelings. Okay fine can you walk me home I don't feel safe going alone." She looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"What I been drinking, and some girl could find me and take advantage of me." She rolled her eyes and started to walk home with him smiling as he walked next to her.

Donovan couldn't figure out why this man chose to always talk to her. She tried to brush him aside when that didn't work, she started to be downright mean to him. Yet here he was still smiling and talking to her as they walked to their building. He lived in the apartment across from hers, so they were always coming and going at the same time. She wished he would get the hint and leave her alone. She knew she couldn't let people close to her. If they found out the truth of who she was they would be in as much danger as her.

"Well, thanks for making sure I get home unmolested Hun." She shook her head at him and opened her door.

"You know if you ever want to come take advantage of me, I won't mind." She slammed her door shut as she heard his laughter. Damn, he was annoying, but she couldn't stop the smile that came to her face.

She walked into her room and changed. She looked down at the necklace she had kept hidden for so many years and felt a tear fall. She missed her family. She hadn't talked since the day they were all killed. She was the only survivor. How she walked away alive she doesn't know, but she stumbled across Drautos when she was four and he never asked just took her home and cleaned her up. She became his adopted daughter. That was also the day she stopped talking. She was 24 now and no one has heard her voice. Well, no one that was still alive anyway.

She was sitting in the Glaive common room when Drautos walked in with the daily reports. It was pretty much the same as every other day. They were to guard the palace. She was to meet up with Noctis and Gladiolus to train them. The young prince took to her when his mother passed away and ever since then she became like an older sister to him. The king treated her like family as well. He would invite her to family outings. All of which she would turn down in less she was to be on duty as a guard.

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