We're Fucked

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The past few days have been super tense at camp. Me and Waverly have been low-key shunning Shelby, me more then her obviously. Despite Shelby constantly trying to get back In our good graces I'm not breaking for anything. Waverly however is use to just adapting to people like that and doesn't care, telling me 'we're stuck on an island, we're the majority, who cares?!'. Amongst the social chaos I've even further lost track of how many days have gone by, after talk with Waverly we came to the agreement that it's been about 21 days. 21 days of being fucking stuck here eating nothing but berries and a sparing supply of nuts. I've been helping by trying to eat less real food and more edibles and let me just say, this is by far my most favorite diet.

Since I've been spending most of my days high and annoyed I've had some pretty creative ideas for around camp, I tried making a homos only water fountain but was reminded how well that went when America tried it out by Waverly. Even after that I also tried making the berry bushes segregated as a homos only plant but sadly was turned down, again. So when I continued to get shot down for making amazing ideas and turned to my munchies, spending most of my days attempting to weave a fish trap.

Its right after morning and Shleby is off doing her chore for the day which is laundry leaving me and Waverly alone at the camp. I grabbed a stick from our pile of drift wood I gathered this morning for my chore and fed the fire.

"Hey Sky." Wave hollered from behind the shelter. I slowly made my way behind the shelter and see her picking up the bag we've been using to gather berries. "Wanna come pick berries with me?" She asks with those big puppy dog eyes.

I roll my eyes, ugh I'm lazy tho, "Wavessss." I groan

She shushes me waving her hands in front of me. "You're a player right?"  She asks me out of the blue. I roll my eyes yet again, this time trying to hold back a smirk. Damn, why you gotta be like that. She leans forwards making sure not to go too fast or make a wrong impression of what's she trying to do. I stay relatively still Letting her take full control of what's going on although I'm praying to god she bites and sucks on my neck. She hovers right over my ear, "please daddy."

I let out a heavy ass sigh, oh my god that was-orgasmic. Waverly has been having so much fun just toying with me these past few days. Honestly we both know it's because Waverly was Low-key pitying me. I would like to say that the whole being mad at Shelby thing is because of morality but After a few days i was starting to catch on that I just missed her smile, her laugh. I just-ugh, I miss her.

I open my eyes after feeling Waverly leave from next to my ear, goose bumps were running down my spine and My boxers were soaked, just from two words. She starts walking away, she's convinced possibly. "Hold up one second."  Run over to our inventory and quickly pull a preroll out of my bag and a crack head lighter before running over to Waverly. "Ready" I answer enthusiastically, leaving the camp with her.

We walked around the rock blocking us from the wild berries sadly passing by where Shelby was doing the laundry. "Hey guys, going off to get some food?" She asks desperately trying to engage in conversation as always.

"Um yeah." Waverly answers shortly but sweetly while I on the other hand just flip her the finger not even looking over at her. Which honestly is a step down from solely addressing her as bigot.

"Well have fun." She sheepishly says as we both walk away not looking back at her. I get she's upset but honestly what am I supposed to say 'awww it's okay that you pity me for something I can't control and is perfectly natural,' yeah I'm good.

We reach the berries in almost no time because they were legit that close to us, sadly that means shelby is within viewing distance. Waverly pulls the bag out and start immediately filling it with the small berries. I reach into my pocket, opening up the small container holding my pre roll and tilt it back to my lips before sparking it up and Putting the container and lighter back in my pocket, reaching up to take the joint out of my mouth and blow out a big cloud of smoke.

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