Bay of Pigs

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It only felt like I had just closed my eyes when Waverly viciously shook me awake the next morning. "Skyler, hey, wake up, the suns coming up time to go."

I rub my eyes and look over at her. She looks exhausted like she had stayed up through the night, "Waves you look exhausted" I point out.

She lets out a yawn after helping me up to my feet, "its fine sky, i just had to make sure she was okay ya know?"

I brush the sand off of my clothes, nodding along in agreement with Waverly, i knew exactly what that felt like. last night was probably the worst sleep i had gotten since being here. the sand was sticking onto my skin all night, i was sweating so badly and i want to say its because it's relatively hot all the time here and last night was just bad but i know its because i was so scared she wouldn't be okay. i would wake up all through out the night to check the spot next to me trying to tell myself that she's not really somewhere else she's right next to me and if i just open my eyes she's be right there to annoy the shit out of me.

"Hopefully you'll be able to get some sleep today while I'm out." I add, trying not to leave things on a sad note.

Waverly turns back towards the fire circle and picks up the one water bottle we had which is hers and a small make up bag. "Here take this."she says handing over the supplies.

I take both of them looking a little confused, "waves do you really think she'll care that much about how she looks?" I ask referencing the make up bag.

"It's food dumbass." She snaps at me.

I open the bag and see all the berries she's put in it, "ohhhhh, that makes more sense."

Back over towards the woods, it wasn't too light out as the sun just began to rise over the sea, but It was enough to navigate my way through. "god I hope she's okay." I look back over to waverly hoping for some kind of sappy Pep talk or maybe a flirty comment, really anything that would make me feel more hopeful than I currently am. However she doesn't talk, she looks just as unsure as I am, instead She gives me a hug most likely in hopes of distracting me even for a moment before I made my way back into the woods.

Okay where should I start? I think about before choosing which directions to walk in. well we went left yesterday so I guess the best direction to go in would be left, right. Almost like a ghost in my head I think back to what Shelby said, if I get to high ground I have the advantage. I take a right, deciding too listen to Shelby and start hiking up the mountain. I follow along the marked path I had created the last time I had walked this way with Shelby. I tried my best to make it up there as fast as possible but I can only go so fast, the lack of food was really starting to get to me too physically.

I finally made my way up to where the trees dissipated and there was nothing but moss and gravely rocks. At the top I don't even stop to take a break even though my lungs are about ready to give out. I go to the edge and look out into the woods below. I had hoped for more of a sign from her, some sort of indication of life but found non. Great, just great. I walked all the way up here to just look at the tops of trees, what a dumbass. I go over to a rock taking a small break now that I have basically waisted my time coming up here.

I didn't even notice where I was actually sitting until I looked down at my hands resting against the warm rock. This is the rock me and Shelby had shared the last time we were here. I could feel the chills I got when she was touched me that day. It was such a slight touch, our arms just happened to graze one another but it still gave me chills. I flash of the past comes back of me kissing her now, her pushing back, and running into the woods away from me. I feel a wave of anxiety pass over me causing a slight hitch in my breath. Things have fucked up so bad since then.

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