the lion

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I wish to be pulled into your arms and held tightly
You give my the strength to love freely
Your eyes hypnotize my heart so well
You give me the strength to hold on for my life
Your long dark hair just gives me a smile everyday that i see you.
You kindness your heart is more pure than most
No, you're not perfect.
But your better than most,
And even so you'll never boast.
I wish i was with you,
Curled up in your arms.
Like the other night in a forest alone.
You held me and i felt warm in you arms.
It made me blush and i smiled when took my hand.
You knew what i wanted, without me saying a word.
You tell me you love me, but not only that.
I feel that love every moment we interact.
The other night when you held me so close in your arms.
I wanted to kiss you, but apon your cheek or lips i could not decide.
I didn't know if you wanted my lips apon you, any how.
So i just looked at your face, your eyes, lips, and nose.
I truly do love you, in away i haven't allowed.
I tried to cut out my heart, so it couldn't be broken.
Any more than it had.
But it seems its grown back but with a new one to love.
From a bird to a lion my heart has bound.
The bird took and took but never gave.
But from what i can tell, the lion just gives, he never expected a thing in return.
But my heart it gives like mother should child.
Ill love forever even after betrayed.
There's just a point whare ill butcher my heart to give it the freedom to love again.
I cut out the cancer of those who only wish to destroy, to profit, to gain.
Let it grow back and try again.
You never push for a label or name.
I don't feel controlled i feel free in your eyes.
I feel safe but not contained.
If i wanted to go, i know that you'd let me.
No threat of pain
And i know that you trust me, enough not to break your heart in too.
I have and i will, try to keep it with care.
Every time since that bird, that i let my heart out.
Its been taken for granted and thrown out in a rush.
But you took it and tend it with good will and care.
I hope that you realize, your a great person inside and out.

poem's from the bathroom stallWhere stories live. Discover now