Im sad
I hurt
Someone left
I leave a note
I run away
I try to die
You find me
You help me
There mad
Past chases me away
We text
I smile
I feel whole
I return
We kiss
I dont want it to end
We get closer
I let you in
You get in trouble
I worry
I cling
I get scared
I go to the hospital
I come back
Your never around
I get lost in thoughts
I distance
You disappear
I try to not panic
I panic
I leave
I you re-apper
I regret
I avoid
Friend calls me out
I try to talk
Your hurt
I explain
Its weird
I realize your all i want
I try to tell you
poem's from the bathroom stall
PuisiA poetry book A collection of feelings written by a non-binary abuse survivor. A combination of the trauma and moving forward, both joyful parts and not so happy parts. This collection contains 30 poems and the author is now working on "Poetry is...