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Where am I? And, why does it feel comfortable? These were the questions swarming through Sarah's head as she stirred on the hospital bed trying to wake up

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Where am I? And, why does it feel comfortable? These were the questions swarming through Sarah's head as she stirred on the hospital bed trying to wake up.

The smell of disinfectants hit her nostrils, and she fought to wake up, but her eyelids were heavy. Groaning, she finally managed to get them open a little. Thankfully, the lights were dim and not blinding. Looking around, she saw that she was indeed in a hospital room. Across the room, mounted on the wall, was a TV playing some cheap talk show.

Sarah looked down and saw an I.V. running in her arm. She felt dehydrated. When she had finished accessing her surroundings, only then she remembered what had transpired in the woods, and she became worried. What happened to Adrian? Was Clara doing okay? She so much wanted Adrian to be at her side at that moment.

"Adrian," she called for him but didn't get an answer. Maybe he is another medical ward, she thought. Still groggy, she sat up slowly and a little pain shoots from her side. Sarah looked down and saw that her upper body part was bandaged from her rib cage up to her right arm.

Damn, that hurts like hell! She hissed out softly as she continued to sit up. Where the heck is the pain meds? She muttered to herself as she finally sat upright.

She turned to her left intending to search for one but surprisingly she saw Adrian on the chair sleeping. Relief washed through Sarah as she saw that Adrian was okay. Although his forehead was in bandages, and he seemed to have gotten a broken arm, she was glad that he was alive.

His whole face looked exhausted and frustrated. His hair was in a mess, and he had bags under his eyes. She didn't want to wake him up, but at the same time, she wanted to talk to him.

She reached over for him and placed her hand on his, rubbing her thumb over his hand in a soothing motion. He stirred a bit, and so she did it again and his eyes shot open. When he saw sitting up, he sat up quickly, or maybe too quickly, and winced in the process.


"Hi," was all she could come up with.

"How are you feeling? Do you need water? Are you hurting?"

"I feel okay. Yes, I'm thirsty and obviously, I'm hurting."

"I'm sorry," Adrian said as he jumped up and grabbed a small cup of water with a straw in it. He walked back over to where she was sited on the bed and handed it over to her. Sarah sucked in the cool water and it was like rain on the Sahara desert. When she had finished, she handed the cup back to him, and he returned it to where he took it from.

"What about Clara? Where's my Mum?" Sarah asked. She only remembered fainting when the cops arrived and every other thing that happened was unknown to her.

"Clara is okay. Her leg has been treated, but she would have to use crutches for the time being until her leg heals. Your Mum was here before she got called away to the emergency unit, I guess she would be back soon." Adrian explained.

Sarah nods her head, accepting the reply Adrian. "How about Todd and Jacob?" She asked, gulping air.

"They have been apprehended and sent to the psychiatric hospital. Turns out that it was a genetic problem in their family. They both had schizophrenia. Jacob was still at the early stage but Todd was way deep already in it. Turns out, that this wasn't the first time it had happened and his dad had to move him out of their previous town when he found out that he killed his own, younger sister."

"What? That's terrible!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Yes, it is. Beats me while the dad would decide to hide that instead of seeking help for the son. He didn't even know that his son was the reason for some deaths in his previous school until he was taken to the psych ward, and he went on a rampage, shouting and claiming that he killed them all."

"I feel pity for him. I just hope that there would be able to find a solution." Sarah said sadly.

Adrian scoffed. "Yeah, not my problem."

"How were the cops able to find out where we were?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, that was as a result of my assistant. He usually checks up on me, once every week. And when he noticed that I had gone missing, he had the family security team trace the tracker which they had on me and informed officer Damon to rally up the whole patrol team."

"Seriously? Your family placed a tracker on you?"

"Yeah," Adrian replied as he scratched the back of his neck with his good arm. "Sounds awkward, right?"


"It's like a family thing," he explained. "All Vermilions have one implanted in them as soon as they are there years old."

"Your family must be some big shots?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know."

"So, where do they place it?"

Adrian smirked, "Nah... I can't tell you that."

"Why?" Sarah asked in shock.

"Because I would prefer you find it out yourself," he replied mischievously as he stood up and sat down on the bed, besides Sarah.

"And how do you suggest I do that?" Sarah asked, her voice coming down a semitone as she felt his body press into hers.

"You're smart, I guess you can figure that out," Adrian whispered as he wasted no time in capturing her lips with his.

"Happy Birthday," he said to her after they broke the kiss, making Sarah let out a wide smile as she captured his lips again, all sounds in the background fading away.

"Happy Birthday," he said to her after they broke the kiss, making Sarah let out a wide smile as she captured his lips again, all sounds in the background fading away

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