My Darling

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Marshall's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to Selene crying. Marissa walked to her nursery and then Eric walked into the room. "Hi Eric." He walked to me reaching up. I picked him up and he smiled laying next to me. I picked him up and walked to the nursery and Marissa was in a chair feeding Selene. Marissa had her eyes closed halfway and then Selene started crying again. "What's wrong with my baby?" She questioned going to change her diaper. "Babe let me get this here take Eric." She shook her head and smiled. "I got it daddy." She said putting a towel on her shoulder. I sat down on twin mattress with Eric. Selene had stopped crying and so we took them to our room. She laid Selene on her chest. Eric laid on my side and we all dozed off.

Marissa's POV

I don't know why but, there's a pit in my stomach and the thought of him walking out on me was all I thought about tonight. So much that I walked downstairs with Selene and called Tara at four o'clock in the morning. "Sleepless night?" She said weariness in her voice. "Yes." "Want me to come over the girls are with their daddies?" "Yes please." I said feeling through Selene's soft hair. "Be there in five." She said hanging up. I put Selene in her bassinet and heard Marshall come down. "Marissa." His voice was full of concern. I managed to speak without crying. "I'm in the living room." I saw his shadow go to the light switch and turn the lights to dim. He walked to me and hugged me so warmly and I didn't wanna let go but, I had to. "Tara is coming over." "Now?" He said raising a eyebrow. "Yeah." "One of these girl talks?" He asked smirking. "It's not funny." I said sitting down. "I know just trying to bring light to a dark area." He said kissing my neck. "Whatever boo." I said knowing how much he disliked the word. He looked at me before walking upstairs again. "MARISSA!" The door rang. "Hey Tara." She looked at me with worry. "Girl you look-" "Like shit? Yeah I know I feel like it." She walked in sitting on the couch. "Why?" She questioned. "I feel like Hailie just hates that I'm married to Marshall and not her mother." "Was she trippin' about your son?" Tara asked looking at the ceiling. "No, maybe it's a girl and it's not her mother. She was talking to Marshall when I was pregnant about how she wanted Marshall and Kim together and It pissed me off to a point I've thought about talking to him about it but, no." "Damn girl it's really eating up." "I don't know what it's like to have your parents together like she does. But, I know I shouldn't feel this way after all the shit I've been through with him." "Your a singer, model, and actress and you chose him. " "Hailie wasn't born when we got together the first time." "I know." Tara hugged him and when I looked up Marshall was standing there. "You really feel that way?" "Marshall." I stood up and he backed out a little. "Marshall, I'm sorry." "For what? You have feelings like any other human. I'm just surpised you have to say that to a friend." He said walking upstairs. I sat on the step and Tara came back. "I gotta go I'm exhausted." "I know." She looked at me and gave me a hug. "I'll call you later." "Okay." I said locking the door behind her. I was leaning against the door when he rushed down the steps and penned me against it. "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER!" He shouted. "MARSHALL! STOP AND THINK FOR A MOMENT!" "NO!" I closed my eyes. When I opened them I had tear streaming down my face he had walked upstairs and slammed the door waking Selene. I ran to her and managed to get her to be quiet and sleep before walking her to her nursery. I walked into the room and he was laid out under the covers. "Marshall." "What do you want?" "You know I didn't say nothing bad about Hailie." He stood up and walked to me causing me to flinch. "Calm down Marissa." He said holding my shoulders. I felt my shirt was sticking to my body. "I'm sorry I scarred you." He kissed my forehead. I slid down the wall and when he brought me a change of clothes I refused to get up. He literally picked me up and had to get in the shower to help me. I laid against his chest listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry." I looked up at him and his eyes were red. "We cry to much." I said sniffling. His laugh filled up the empty space in the pit. "Yeah." He said turning off the water. We looked at each other in the mirror. "You're beautiful. Don't let Hailie bust your bubble. She gets it from her mother." When He said that I couldn't help but smile. "I love you." I said as we walked to our bed. We laid down under the covers and I fell asleep hearing him rapping to me softly.

Marshall's POV

When I woke up the kids were back in bed with me and Marissa. Eric had woke up and looked up at me. "Daddy." He said looking at me. I picked him up and walked him to the kitchen. "Cereal." He said pointing at the Lucky Charms. I poured some in his bowl and sat down at the table watching a TV. Marissa and Selene came down and they both looked tired. And in a messed up mood. She sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. The girls walked in the house. "Hailie come here." "Yes daddy." "Wanna hold your sister?" "Yes." I looked at Marissa. I watched Hailie as she grabbed her sister and walked away from her without a word. Marissa walked upstairs and came back minutes later fully dressed and walked to me. "Where you going." "Out." She said kissing my forehead. "Momma!" Eric whined. "Daddy is here still. I'll be right back." She walked to the door and then I chased her to the door. "Please stay."

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