Oh My

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Marissa's POV

I didn't say anything after that I simply walked to the back to the room. Grabbing a backpack for the kids I walked back to him seeing they both were crying. I picked them up putting them into his arms. "MOMMA!" Eric and Selene shrieked. I watched him walk to the car and then I closed the door calling Tara and Taryn.

Myself: Hey girls!

Tara and Taryn: Hey Mari.

Myself: Y'all wanna go out tonight?

Tara and Taryn: Yes please.

Myself: Meet me at the other house.

Tara and Taryn: OK.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed in a black dress and curled my hair. Soon my best friends were at the door. "Hey girl. Emily told us what happened so, where are the kids?" "With him." I said putting on some red lipstick lightly. "You look really happy." Tara said smiling. "I'm upset but, then I'm not. I'm not doing anything he doesn't have my trust right now but, you already know I'm going to work on it." "Had y'all not had babies you'd have a whole different mindset." "Hell yes." I said locking the door behind me. "Let's go." I said as we walked to the car. We drove to this place called 5 Star. Since I am a five star celebrity member we got V.I.P on the stage. We walked to get our picture taken and then we went straight to the dance floor. Caught a glance at Andrew and he walked over. "Hi!" I yelled over the music. "Can I have a hug?" He asked smiling. The girls watched dancing. "Okay." I said hugged him and it felt good. To have those feelings and then ofcourse I remembered the one week we were married and walked back to the girls. We danced together and laughed. We didn't need to drink at all cause we had each other.


Two weeks later

Taryn had my babies and Marshall was over. We were watching Juno but, we weren't paying attention to it just holding each other. We looked each other in our eyes. He picked me up and kissed me. It was lust for him love for me and I needed trust before I opened my legs to him. I hopped down. "Get out." "What.... Why..... What did I do?" "It's not what you do it's what you did." "YOU'RE STILL UPSET ABOUT THAT!?" "LOWER YOUR FUCKING TONE!" I screamed pushing him into the door. "Yes Marshall. You know why cause it's not the first time so get out." "I'm sorry." "I don't care get out my house." I said opening the door. He walked out and I locked the door. Within a few minutes Taryn was at the door with the kids. "How'd the date go?" "Good until my freaking thoughts caused me to kick him out." I put the kids in their beds and Taryn and myself walked into the room. "So y'all were finna mess around and then you thought back to what he did?" "Yes. Guess what." "What?" "I'm goin to be a auntie." "Emily is pregnant?" "Yep 6 months. She was hiding the baby bump from us with baggy clothes." "Oh my goodness y'all kids gon be best friends." Taryn said. I smiled but, really I wanted to cry.

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