Chapter 20: Blue Moss

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“So!” The Doctor ran a lap around the TARDIS, tracing the buttons and levers on the console. “Where to next?”

Amy shrugged. “I don’t know. Somewhere nice.”

“I second that,” Susan chimed in.

“I think somewhere nice would be…nice,” Adrian said, trailing off.

“Alright, somewhere nice. Somewhere nice…” the Doctor rubbed his chin in thought. “I know! How about swimming in the Crystal Pools of Draxar? The water is so clear you can see for miles down to the bottom.”

“Sounds exciting!” Amy said, and then turned to the others. “How about you?”

Adrian nodded and Susan gave her a thumbs up. The Doctor grinned and turned on his heel to set the TARDIS to the right coordinates.

Susan made her way to the wardrobe to find something to wear. On the third floor, she found a rack filled with swimsuits from many different time periods: a swim dress from the 1900s, a backless one piece suit, a halter top bathing suit, and other kinds that may have been from the future. Susan picked a turquoise one-piece with straps that crisscrossed in the back, putting a green sundress over it.

As she was fixing her dress in the mirror in her bedroom, Susan heard a tentative knock on her door. It was Adrian, wearing black swimming shorts. Susan’s eyes glanced over his pale skin and slender frame before she forced herself to look at the floor beside him. She cleared her throat.

“You might want to put on a shirt for right now,” she said, feeling embarrassed.

“Sure.” Susan kept her eyes downcast until she could no longer hear Adrian’s bare feet hitting the metal floor of the TARDIS as he left.

When everything had become silent, she slammed the door and pressed her back against the wall, cooling her pink cheeks with the backs of her hands. Why was she feeling this way? Susan had always prided herself on not being able to feel emotions such as love for anyone or anything other than Doctor Who. Emotional detachment kept her mind clear and rational; she learned that from Sherlock Holmes.

Susan was aware that her body was developing feelings of infatuation for Adrian, caused by raging teenage sex hormones and nothing more. She just had to keep reminding herself to not give in to her emotions. She quickly opened her door right after the first knock. Adrian stepped back, startled.

“Okay, let’s go,” Susan said after a quick intake of breath to calm her racing heart. She gave Adrian a quick smile and headed toward the console room.


The TARDIS had landed on a planet with a deep blue sky and a very hot sun. Several tiny wisps of clouds dotted the atmosphere like tiny, white polka dots. The star in the sky was slightly larger than the sun Susan was used to on Earth. Before her was an extremely large hole in the rocky orange ground. She noticed a thin, nearly invisible ring around the rim of the hole as she got nearer. Susan placed her lawn chair and discarded her green sundress about ten paces away from the pool.

“Geronimo!” The Doctor raced past her in a pair of TARDIS blue shorts, jumping into the hole and splashing water into the air. Large ripples spread around the Doctor as he treaded water. “Come on! It’s great!”

Amy jumped into the pool, shrieking as she entered. Susan and Adrian quickly followed.

“This looks a lot like Earth,” Susan commented, lightly treading water beside the Doctor.

“Yup! It’s because of-“

“The terraforming.” Susan interrupted the Doctor with a grin. She dove under the water and turned a few somersaults underwater, rising to the surface whenever her lungs began to burn, then diving back under. She noticed a tiny stream of bubbles coming from the bottom of the pool, and then the Doctor rose to the surface with a small circular device in his mouth.

*DISCONTINUED* Between Dimensions (A Doctor Who Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now