Chapter 1: A House Key on Piano Strings

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Author's Note: Greetings, readers! This is my first fanfiction, so it's also the first time I've written an author's note. This is awkward. Okay, well...hope you enjoy!

A cool fall breeze rustled through the orange and red leaves in the trees. Below the foliage, Susan Holland sat on a park bench reading The Blood Cell, a Doctor Who novel that recently arrived in her bookstore. Her dark blue backpack sat next to her, containing her laptop, notebook, a flip phone from the early 2000s, and various other equipment included but not limited to a lighter, a wrench, a flashlight, a bag of rubber bands, a pair of socks, and a tin of cookies in case of an emergency.

The park Susan was sitting in wasn’t exactly a park, just a woodsy area in her neighborhood where people walked their dogs and mothers pushed strollers that contained pink-cheeked, babbling infants. She frequently came out here on weekends to unwind after her piles of homework have been finished, an idea her parents suggested to her at the beginning of her 9th grade year. This was probably just a ploy to get her to leave the house once in a while, as she would stay cooped up in her room for hours on end. 

Susan shivered as the wind started to blow harder, and she pulled on her blue overcoat. It’s probably time to go home, she thought, putting away her book and beginning to head towards the direction of her home.  

Suddenly, she heard a faint sound that resembled the sound made when one scraped his or her house keys over piano strings and played the recording backwards. She pulled her phone out of her backpack and glanced at the screen. It was her mother. She quickly answered it.

"Hi, mom."

"Susan, it's dinnertime!" her mother yelled over the sound of clanking pots and a screaming child.

"Okay, I'm on my way home right now!"

"Alright honey, I love-" her mother's reply was cut off as Susan flipped her phone shut and stuffed it back into her backpack. Just then, she heard another TARDIS sound in the distance. Susan took out her phone again.

No, the sound had not come from her phone. She reasoned that the sound was either a recording that was played by another person in the area or the actual TARDIS. She headed off the paved walkway toward the direction of the TARDIS sound to either meet a fellow Whovian, or to meet a Time Lord. Either one would be fine, but she was definitely hoping for the latter.

*DISCONTINUED* Between Dimensions (A Doctor Who Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now