Chapter 3: The Big Fat Fib

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Susan sat curled up in a leather armchair, cradling a mug of tea. The Doctor sat on a couch next to her. A warm fire happily blazed in front of her in a small, stone fireplace. Behind them were large bookshelves filled with countless old books.

"This is a nice library you've got," Susan remarked quietly.

"Yeah," the Doctor said. "The TARDIS picked this theme. The last one was completely marble and gold. It was beautiful! You should have seen it."

"That sounds wonderful," she replied. Susan stayed silent for a moment, staring into her cup of tea and gathering her thoughts. "Okay, I'm ready."

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No I-" she paused. "I want you to know."


"A couple days before you landed in my universe in your police box, my parents both died in a car crash. Now, you could be saying that I could stay with my uncle or my grandma or some other relative, but all of my grandparents are dead and my parents had no brothers or sisters." She took in a deep breath. "I'm the only one left in my family. I was in the woods because it would be my last chance to see it before I was sent away to-" At this point, Susan's voice cracked and a couple tears ran down her cheeks. Internally, she parted herself on the back for her outstanding acting skills.

"Hey, it's okay," the Doctor said. He took her hand and smiled. "We will do our best to help you."

"We?" Susan asked, beginning to smile.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about Amy! She's asleep right now, but you can meet her when she wakes up. Speaking of which, you should probably get some sleep as well. Unless you're not tired. I still don't know how human sleep cycles work..." he trailed off. Then he stood up. "Sorry, I've got to get back to the console room. There are a few things I need to fix, what with that jump between universes and all."

"That's alright, I'll just stay here and read," Susan said. The Doctor began to leave.

"Doctor?" she asked as he was in the doorway. He turned.


"If your box can travel between universes...can it travel through space too?"

"And time!" he grinned.

"Can I travel with you?"

"Why not?"

A/N: I know I'm adding this more than two months after this chapter was originally published, but I would like to clarify that Susan lies because she likes to lie; in fact, that is part of her personality. If you read on, you would see some more of this in later chapters. I hope this helps :)

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