Chapter 11: The Musee d'Orsay

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"So!" the Doctor exclaimed, running around the console unit and pushing a few buttons. "Guess where we're going!" Amy, Susan, and Adrian were in the console room, anxiously anticipating their next adventure.

"Raxacoricofallapatorious!" Susan exclaimed loudly, shrinking back when she noticed the Doctor's expression. "Yeah, we've had our share of alien invasions," Susan said indignantly.

"No..." the Doctor said slowly. "We're not going there."

"Australia?" Adrian asked.

"Not Australia," was the Doctor's reply.

"We might need a clue, or something," Amy said.

"It's a museum in France!"

"Is it the Musee d'Orsay?" Susan bounced up and down in excitement. "Please tell me we're going there!"

"You guessed it!" he pointed to Susan.

"Woo!" Susan pumped her fist into the air. She was going to experience a canonical Doctor Who episode, Vincent and the Doctor, and it would be absolutely amazing.


The TARDIS shook as it landed. The four travelers poked their head outside and saw a large, beautiful building overlooking a river. In the horizon, they caught a glimpse of a large, metal tower; the Eiffel Tower.

"Wow," Susan breathed. "It feels much different when you're travelling in a TARDIS than when you're with a group of classmates."

"I read about that somewhere," Adrian said, pointing to the metal sculpture in the distance. "That's the Eiffel Tower.

"Good observation," said the Doctor.

"Let's go look at the art." Amy eagerly pointed to the building. There was a crowd of people at the door.

"Aww," Susan said, crestfallen. "We have to wait."

"No we don't!" The Doctor pulled out a brown, rectangular booklet from his jacket pocket and gestured for the others to follow him. He pushed through the crowd, flashing the booklet around for them to see. "Coming through! This is a routine inspection; make way!"

"So, where do you want to go?" the Doctor asked as he grabbed an exhibition guide book from a rack in the nearby gift shop. "There's Monet, Manet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Degas..."

"I want to see Van Gogh," Amy announced. "I've always wanted to see his sunflower paintings."

"Alright, then," the Doctor said, paying for the book with a handful of euros he kept in his pocket. "Keep the change," he told the cashier.

Susan looked around and saw a sign that pointed the way to the exhibit. "This way!"


They entered the Van Gogh exhibit just as a familiar-looking man was in the middle of a lecture. "Each of these pictures now is worth tens of millions of pounds, yet in his lifetime he was a commercial disaster. Sold only one painting, and that to a sister of a friend. We have here possibly the greatest artist of all time, but when he died you could've sold his entire body of work and got about enough money to buy a sofa and a couple of chairs."

"So an actual person painted this stuff?" Adrian pointed at a picture of a wheat field with trees and swirly-looking clouds in the background.

"Yep," Susan said. "You can even see the actual brushstrokes, if you look close enough." They both leaned in close to the painting.

"Excuse me, you two, please don't get to close to the paintings," a woman with an important-looking lanyard around her neck said, tapping Susan on the shoulder.

"We're extremely sorry about that, ma'am," Adrian apologized.

"I'll let you off with a warning; just refrain from touching the paintings." With that, the woman walked away to yell at a group of children taking pictures with their phones.

"What are they looking at?" Adrian grabbed Susan's hand and led her to the Doctor and Amy, who were studying the painting of the Church at Auvers.

"What thing very not good?" Amy was saying to the Doctor.

"Look there, in the window of the church." The Doctor pointed to a dragon-like face.

"Is it a face?" Amy asked.

"Yes. And not a nice face at all. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window." The Doctor went over to the man who was lecturing about a painting of sunflowers.

"So now we're going to find out why Van Gogh painted that face," Susan explained to Adrian. "Apparently, they do this on a daily basis."

"Don't worry, it's pretty fun!" Amy added. "Though sometimes it can get a bit dangerous."

"But that's the point of an adventure without danger?" Susan remarked.

"I'm guessing it would be pretty boring," Adrian said. Susan glanced at the Doctor, who was gesturing to the lecturer's bow tie and grinning. He ran over to Amy, Susan, and Adrian.

"We have to go, right now!"

"Right now?" Amy asked, disappointed.

"Yes, this is a life or death situation. We need to talk to Vincent Van Gogh." They all dashed out of the room. The woman with the lanyard yelled for them to stop running, but they ignored her. After all, it was life and death.

A/N: It's so exciting to infiltrate canon episodes! I hope you enjoyed it!

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