Chapter 38: A Happy Ending

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"Could you just let me see her?" Adrian pleaded. "I just want to see her; she's my closest friend and I haven't seen her in such a long time-"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that," the Keeper interrupted. "I know this might upset you now, but one day you'll understand."

"Please, if only for a minute or two. I just want some kind of closure, to give her a proper goodbye."

"Adrian, no means no," the Keeper insisted. "We've already established that you must sever all ties to your previous life. We can't risk anyone impeding your mission."

Adrian let out a sigh, nodding in defeat. "I guess you're right, then. If you need me, I'll be in the training room."

"You've made the right choice," the Keeper said as Adrian began to turn away. 

"I know."


"Ship!" Susan demanded once they all piled into the caretaker's office.

A red face appeared in the mirror above his desk. "Susan. You brought help?"

Susan nodded, looking at Sarah Jane, who was holding her cellphone to her ear. "Luke said he and Sam are on their way," Sarah Jane said. "I have K9 on speaker right now."

"Good. Now, there's a ship somewhere buried under a beach. I don't know where that is, but I suppose K9 can get Mr. Smith to help or something. Tell K9 to send that ship the coordinates to the black hole, and it can use the energy from that to finish refueling."

"Did you get that, K9?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Affirmative, mistress," a robotic voice chirped from the phone. There was a long pause before the voice spoke again. "Sending coordinates now."

"And Harry," Susan turned to the caretaker, "could you please bring Eve out here? We're gonna need to take her to the beach so she can get back to her ship."

"She can't go outside," Harry protested. "It's too dangerous! Even one glimpse of the outside world might overwhelm her!"

"Who's Eve?" Clyde whispered loudly to Rani.

"She's the Red Demon who lives in the Haunted Mine."

"But she's not a demon; she's just an alien," Susan clarified. "So how will we get her to the ship now?"

Clyde raised a hand. "Maybe a super powerful alien ship has some kind of teleportation thing? I dunno, just a guess."

"I do, as a matter of fact," the red face said. "I can teleport you all to me right now."

"Luke and Sam too?" Rani asked.

"Of course."

The world blurred into nothingness, until Susan's vision finally cleared, and she was now standing in a room bathed in red light, as the others began coming to their senses around her. The red face from the mirror smiled from a screen embedded in the wall of the room.

"That was cool," Rani remarked, grinning at Susan.

"I'm a little disappointed," Clyde said. "I was expecting it to be more dramatic."

Rani shook her head, still grinning. "Oh, it's always dramatic with you, isn't it, Clyde?"

"Ship!" Eve exclaimed, running closer to the screen.

"So that's Eve," Clyde murmured. Susan idly watched Eve and the ship interact until Sam and Luke materialized in the room, blinking in confusion. She stood back as Sarah Jane, Clyde, and Rani explained everything to Luke, and Sam made his way over to hug Eve, exchanging a few words. Then, he went back to the group of humans to talk to Rani. Susan also noticed Harry standing off to the side, uncomfortable with all the commotion happening around him.

"Eve, Ship," Susan made her way over to the two. "I think it's about time for you to leave now, so that Eve gets to see the world and explore. I know that you like to play." Eve beamed at her in excitement. "And I highly recommend that you bring Harry and Sam with you."

"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Eve exclaimed. "Sam?"

The brown-haired boy disentangled himself from his embrace with Rani. "Yeah, Eve?"

"Would you like to stay with me? Actually, with me and Ship and Harry?"

"Me?" Harry looked up, pointing to himself. Eve nodded, smiling.

"Well, I have nothing to go home to," Sam said. "So, why not?"

"As for me, Eve, I don't think-"

"Please?" Eve asked Harry. "You've been like a father to me, and I'd really love it if you came with us."

After a brief consideration, Harry nodded. "Why, yes, of course I'll go with you!"

As Eve embraced the Harry and Sam, Sarah Jane gestured for Clyde, Luke, Rani, and Susan to quietly leave the three to have their moment of bonding in privacy.

"That is one mixed-up family," Clyde remarked when they all reached the door. "Do you think they're going to be okay?"

"I think they're going to be fantastic," Sarah Jane replied, and they all turned back to take another glance at the new family.

"I bet they'll be very happy together," Rani added, sighing contentedly.

"If only all dysfunctional families were bound together with that kind of love." Susan glanced pointedly at Luke, who was outwardly trying to ignore her. She pressed her lips together. One day, she thought. One day, he will stop acting so uptight and revert back to that innocent, trusting boy she had gotten to know from The Sarah Jane Adventures. There was only so long that you could keep up such an act, and Susan really wasn't terrible enough to warrant that sort of treatment, was she?

No, she really wasn't.

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