Chapter 30: The Rhinoman

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The Brindley Estate was a large, sad-looking building made of gray bricks. As the car rounded a corner, Susan could see a gaping hole in the side of the structure, flames still licking at the sides.

"This estate has been on the council's urban renewal list for years," Sarah Jane explained as they slowly made their way toward the structure.

"Looks like the Judoon's lifepod has helped with the demolition," Luke commented.

Susan looked around nervously. "You know, we should be careful. You don't know if you might accidentally get shot because you're standing in the wrong place at the wrong time."

At the exact moment she said that, red beams of light hit the side of the building behind them, scattering sparks everywhere.

"Get down!" Sarah Jane ordered, and they all ran for cover behind a corner.

"Perfect timing," Clyde said to Susan. "Rhinoman!" He pointed at the Judoon marching forward, still firing at a target somewhere in front of them.

"Stop firing; we're on your side!" Rani yelled.

"He isn't firing at us," Luke said. "Look!" A tall figure ran into the building, and the Judoon marched after it.

"He nearly blew our heads off," Rani grumbled. "Moron."

"Oh, no," Sarah Jane murmured, looking very worried.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

"Remember the Judoon are policemen? I think what crashed here was some sort of prison carrier."

"What, and Rhino Rozzer's lost his prisoner?" Clyde joked. Was "rozzer" some kind of British slang word? Susan made a mental note to look it up later.

"The Judoon's only interest is in stopping that creature getting away. Humans don't matter. Under the Articles of the Shadow Proclamation we barely exist. Too primitive."

"If the Shadow Proclamation is too thick to consider evolution and development, then how did they get so powerful in the first place?" Susan mused.

"You should tell them that," Clyde said, letting out a small laugh.

"If they don't blow my head off first," she quipped.

"Come on," Sarah Jane said, beginning to follow the Judoon's path.

"Where are you going?" Rani asked.

"Well, maybe we can help him catch his convict before anyone else gets in his way."

The Judoon lay sprawled out on the sidewalk, completely unconscious. The rusty metal beam that had been the prisoner's weapon lay behind a park bench near him. While the others ran towards the rhino man, Susan examined the metal beam. She tried picking it up, carefully avoiding the green bloodstain at one end. It took a lot of strength just to roll it over, so Susan gave up and joined the group crowded around the Judoon. He had come to, and the Judoon stood up, groaning and grumbling in his alien language.

"It's all right, we're friends. Take it easy. You're injured," Sarah Jane said gently. The Judoon held a device up to Sarah Jane's mouth.

"My name is Sarah Jane Smith, I mean you no harm," she said. "That is, as long as you don't harm us." The Judoon inserted the device into a red circular thing in his chest.

"Language assimilated. Earth English. You will be catalogued." He held up a scanner in front of Sarah Jane's eye. "Species, human."

"Well, duh, you are on Earth," Rani said.

"You have taken Judoon officer's weapon," the rhino growled. "You assist prisoner's escape."

"No, we're only trying to help you, because right now, we're your only allies on this planet," Susan said calmly. She picked up the gun that had been thrown to the ground earlier and offered it to him, ignoring the appalled expressions of the others. "We only took it away because we were afraid you would accidentally kill us. But we both have the same goal: to find the escaped prisoner, yeah?" He snatched the gun from her hand.

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