Chapter 16

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Can you say two weeks? Two entire weeks that I have been laid up in my bed not allowed to do anything. I was released two weeks ago with the doctor ordering me not to return to school until Monday.

I was officially diagnosed with a slight concussion, a broken fibula and a fractured tibia. The fibula has a several screws holding it together. I'm in a full leg brace and have to stay in bed until I return to school. I will be in the leg brace for at least six weeks if the bone heals fast and nothing else happens to it.

I have a home health aide coming to my house to help me until I return to school. She helps me shower and washes my hair. She will cook small meals for me as well.The most embarrassing thing is having her help me toilet.

I also have Lexi and Noelle constantly breathing down my back making sure I don't do anything for myself. If Noelle had her way, she would be feeding me as well. I had to draw the line somewhere.

Brody has been by my side from morning till night and even slept on a cot in my room while I was in the hospital. The nurses eventually got use to seeing him there so they taught him how to help me do things so that I didn't have to rely on the nurses so much.

Brody and I have spent a lot of time together since the accident. He stayed with me the majority of my time in the hospital. The only time he left was when I forced him to leave. I needed alone time to think about my life and what has come of it.

A couple of days ago, we talked about us. The 'us' we are now not the 'us' we were. We have decided to leave the past there and move forward for now. Our past is like a grey cloud hovering over us with the anticipation of all hell breaking loose.

The first thing we decided is to just be friends. I'm not ready to jump into a relationship with him especially since I'm not ready to face our past. We want to rebuild our relationship and see if we can even be real friends again. He has taken it upon himself to prove that he can be the best friend to me that he use to be.

We haven't touched intimately since then either. It's really hard keeping my hands to myself and not allowing ourselves to kiss because wow he can kiss. He finds excuses to touch me like holding my hand when he comes to help me, he will push my hair out of my face, and he even tucks me in at night.

We also talked about my bucket list. I can't give up on completing it but I also know that I'm going to need more that Lexi and Noelle's help to complete it. After lots of begging, it was decided that Brody will help me complete my list. We even thought that we would add a few things to it that we both want to do. He said this is another way to repair our relationship plus it forces us to spend quality time together.

The longer I lay here in this bed the more I have to use the bathroom. I can't go alone because I can't maneuver around the small space on my own.It's really embarrassing but I've had the girls here every day to help me. I sent the girls home earlier because I know they need a break and my mom is supposed to be here.

I hate having to rely on her. She's still staying drunk at all hours of the day. I never know when she is going to be sober. You would think after what happened in the accident that she would stop drinking all together.

The guy that caused the wreck, the one that died, was drunk when he hit us. He had a blood alcohol level of 0.25 at the scene. The officers told us that we are lucky to be alive and the other guy, the third vehicle in the accident, he suffered minor injuries as well.

I really need to go now and it's getting to hard to hold it.


Silence follows my one word.

"Mom, I need to use to bathroom."

Again, no response. I really hope she's not passed out or left and didn't tell me.

Moving slightly to my left, I reach for my cell phone. I really hate having to call him to take me potty but this is a worst case scenario.

I dial his number and he picks up on the first ring. "Lani are you okay?"

"Yes. I am fine. Can you seen if my mom's car is in the yard for me please? I've called for her a couple of times and she's not responding."

I can hear him moving around in his house before he responds.

"I don't see her car. I thought she was going to stay home with you until I got back."

"Yeah me too but you know how flaky mom can be." I take a deep breath preparing myself to make my request.

"Lani I can be right over if you need me to."

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to have to figure things out on my own soon enough." I begin scratching my head wondering how I'm going to get to the bathroom with this big leg cast and do everything that I need to do in there.

"I'll be right over. Give me a sec to grab my shoes."

"No no no. You've done enough. I can get by on my own besides you can't come to my rescue once we get to school tomorrow."

"Wanna bet? I didn't want to tell you yet but I already talked to Mr. Jones. He approved my request with the guidance counselor to change my schedule to match yours. We already had five classes together; what's two more?"

"You're kidding me? Brody you can't do that. You have your own life and you can't be changing your schedule for me."

Just then I hear my front door open and close back.

"You can hang up the phone now. I'm here." Brody walks into my room." And yes I can and I did. There's nothing you can do to prevent it now. That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you."

"You can't go around changing your life for me."

"That's the least I can do after the hell I've put you through for the past three years. I want to be here for you." He is met with silence. I don't know how to respond to that because he is right.

I just lay here in bed and don't reply.Instead, I start to move around trying to relieve the pressure building up in my stomach. My bladder is really starting to hurt due to me holding it for so long.

"Now what do you need me to do?" Brody stands at the end of my bed daring me for fuss back.

"I really need to use the bathroom." I am so embarrassed that my face lights up like a fire in the night. I can't believe my mom left me and now I have to rely on Brody once again.

"Well let's do this."

Brody helps me to the bathroom and closes his eyes when he helps me. He's really cute about it. It really wasn't that bad at all.

I can't stop thinking about him having his schedule changed to match mine. It's just crazy but honestly I am really glad that he will be with me all day.

I'm really nervous about tomorrow. I know that I will have supports in place and plenty of people to help me out. The problem is all the attention that I know I will be getting. I hate being the center of people attention.

"Lani, why do you have a scowl on your face?"

"I'm scare about tomorrow."

Brody brings his hands to my face and lays the on my cheeks.I am so attuned to him that I automatically lean into him for comfort. He lifts my face making me look at him eye-to-eye.

"Why are you scared? I will be by your side no matter what and I will protect you."

"I don't like being center of attention and that what this accident has done. It has thrown me front and center of everyone's thoughts. You know they will all be asking me questions tomorrow."

"You have nothing to worry about. I give you my word."

He really has been a beacon of light at the end of a really dark tunnel.

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