Chapter 10

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I must still be dreaming because I know he is not standing in my room.  I take a minute and close my eyes.  I rub them hard several times and then open them.  Nope not dreaming, he is really standing there.  Not only is he standing there but he’s staring at me like I’m crazy.

“You’re not supposed to be here.”  I turn away from him and walk back to my bed.

“And you’re late.  We had plans to meet and start our project. You didn’t show so here I am.”

“We didn’t set a time so technically I’m not late.” 

“Well I’m here so we can get started.”

“Um, no we can’t.  You need to leave. I’m not even ready to start.”

“That’s okay I can wait.”  He walks over to my futon and sits down.  He decides to make himself comfortable.  He kicks off his shoes, puts his left leg over his right knee, and props his hands behind his head and proceeds to watch me. 

I watch him as he makes himself at home in my room.  This is unbelievable, he cant just come in here and act like nothing has happened between us.  I get up off of my bed and walk to my door just as my mom enters my room.

“Hey honey.  You didn’t tell me you and Brody had plans to hang out this evening.  I think it’s wonderful to see you two spending time together.”

“Were not hanging out mom and he is leaving.”

“Oh don’t be that way Alayna.  Brody are you hungry?  Did you want something to eat or drink?”  Mom is relentless.  She doesn’t get that I don’t want him here.

“Ms. Judith that’s so kind.  Actually I was sitting here waiting on Lani to get ready so we can go out.  You don’t mind if I take her to the diner to get something to eat while we discuss our group project do you?”

I’m stunned into complete silence as my mom and Brody talk about me like I’m not even here.  Brody is still sitting on my futon stretched out making himself at home.  I feel like I have stepped into the twilight zone. 

“Oh honey that is a wonderful idea.  Alayna doesn’t have many friends and she doesn’t get out very often.  You know I just worry about her.  You two go out and have fun.  Just make sure to have her home at a decent time.”  My mom turns and saunters out of my room.

I’m standing at my door, mouth hanging open.  I’m just astounded.  How the hell did that just happen?  My mother just overlooked the fact that I had a boy in my room and then made dinner plans for me without even consulting me let alont that the fact that the boy happens to be the son of my father's mistress.  And the worst part, I can’t even use my mom as the excuse to stay home.

Brody watches my mom as she walks away and then turns to me and smiles.  Not the typical rise of the cheeks but the full blown Cheshire grin.  You can see every sparkling white tooth in his beautiful smile.  His dimples are on full display.  I haven’t seen him smile this big in a long time. 

I don’t know what comes over me but I am not in control of my reaction to his smile.  I look at him and slowly I can feel my lips lift into a smirk and then within a few seconds I’m giggling.  I throw my hand over my mouth to keep from giggling more but there’s no stopping it.  I laugh; a big hearty laugh with tears coming from my eyes.  I’m out of control.

Brody watches me from the futon until I get myself together.  Then he gets up and comes to stand in front of me. Unintentionally, I lean into him.  He lifts his hand, cups my cheek, and then uses his thumb to wipe away the tear that is running down my cheek.  He looks me deep into the eyes and states, “You’re beautiful.”  Then he takes his thumb and runs it across my bottom lip. 

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