Chapter 17

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Let me just say, when I got up this morning I was not expecting the day to turn out the way it did!

I woke up thirty minutes late and in a lot of pain. I have pain but this morning it was unbearable. I had to take an extra pain pill to ease the ache. Not to mention getting ready for school was no fun at all.

I am sitting on my bed dreading the fact that i have to get ready. It's hard enough with the cast but knowing that I am going to look like an invalid all day makes it all the worse.

There's a knock at my door. "Lani can I come in?" 


Brody comes right up to me. "Good thing I got here early. Looks like you could use the help not to mention we should be leaving in about twenty minutes."

"I don't think I'm going to be ready in twenty minutes especially with the way that I am feeling." I am exhausted from the effort it took to get out of bed and the pain meds don't help much. All they do is cause me to feel groggy. .

"Your staying in bed. There's no way you are going to make it to school today."

"What choice do I have? I have to go to school. I can't miss anymore days."

Brody stands there just looking at me. He hasn't budged to help me at all.

"Brody stop. Can you please just help me get ready?" I put my hand on his arm and look him in his eyes pleading for him to stop trying to force his will on me.

"Lani I just want you better and going to school is not going to accomplish that. I will help but I don't like this one bit. You should be resting."

"Brody please don't fight with me about this. I am hurting and I just want to get this day over with. I can get my mom to help me if I have to but you know just as well as I do that it will take twice as long and I won't get as much accomplished if I do. "

"You know I'm only worried about you. I can't help it." He lifts his hand and cups my cheek with concern in his eyes.

I can't help but to lean into him. I know he only wants what is best for me.

"You will be with me all day and you will be the first person to know if anything is wrong. I know you care but I need you to support me on this."

He says nothing in response. Instead he helps me complete my morning routine. It took longer than I originally thought.

We arrive at school thirty minutes late so I'm able to avoid the morning rush of students and all of the questions that I'm sure will be hurtled at me.

He wheels me into class and everything comes to a halt. We roll up to the teacher's desk to get our missed work and find out what we need to do for class. As we make our way to our seats, several students mumble hellos and condolences on the accident. I try not to look at anyone to avoid the attention. We start working on our group project. Before we know it, the bell rings for our next class. Our morning carries on much the same way.

Brody kept his word and stayed by my side all morning. He pushed me to all my classes not allowing me to try to wheel myself. Any time someone approaches us to ask question he gives them a scowl scaring them off. Noelle and Lexi have been around as well. I just haven't had a chance to talk to them.

We get to the lunchroom and all the excitement and buzz about the last weekend is in full swing. students are all talking to one another at their tables as the eat their lunch. Brody rolls me to my lunch table.

Brody leans in close to my ear, "Lani what do you want to eat?"

Having him so close spreads tingles down my back. It's like I'm in a vortex. Everything around me becomes white noise and all I can hear and feel is Brody. I don't know what is happening with me. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I barely squeak out, "Just some fruit. I'm not very hungry."

"I'll be right back."

Lexi and Noelle come walking up to me as he walks away.

"How's your morning going so far?" Noelle asks.

"It's okay. No one has bothered me yet."

"That's because Zayden and Brody have been like pitbulls. Ain't nobody gonna mess with you with them two protecting you." Lexi remarks.

I knew it. I knew they had to have said something. The kids at school are way too noisy to just leave me alone. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh please. You have to know about the text that they sent out. Man, it went school wide. Everyone has been talking about it all morning. How do you not know about it?"

"Lexi, I'm serious. What are you talking about?"

"So golden boy didn't tell you?" Lexi smirks in reply.

I look up to see Noelle smirking and shaking her head. "Noelle, will you please tell me what I am missing?"

Just as Noelle goes to answer, Brody walks up to the table, eyes only on me. "I got you a banana and muffin. You have to eat because it's times for your meds."

I look up at him. "What did you do?" I squint my eyes at him and wait for him to play dumb.

"I got you food like you asked. I thought you could you a little more substance so I got you a muffin as well." He's looking down which is a sign that he is trying to avoid the real question being asked.

"Brody. You know that is not what I am talking about."

Brody grabs my hand and squeezes it. "I didn't do anything wrong. I promise. I was only thinking about you." This all comes out in a whisper.

"Zayden, What did you do?" I look up and look right at Zayden, ignoring Brody.

With a huge smile on his face, Zayden replies, "Your boy sent out a text telling everyone to leave you the hell alone or they had to deal with us. More importantly me!"

"Why the hell would you do that?" Shocked and confused, my voice is raised. I take a moment to look around and see that the lunchroom has come to a complete halt. No one is talking or eating. All eyes are on me.

Suddenly, I am being whisked from the room and into the hall. Brody rolls me out to the breezeway. He stands behind me for what seems like forever before coming to stand in front of me. He talks a deep breathe and bends down at eye level. "Are you mad at me? I was only looking out for you. I didn't want you to have anything to worry about."

"I want you to tell me what you did. I shouldn't have to hear from someone else." I look Brody right in the eyes. I reach up and grab his hand. It's my way of letting him know that I'm not mad. I just want answers.

He takes a deep breath. "I wanted to make sure you had an easy day. I didn't want anyone to mess with you so Zayden suggested that I send out a school-wide text message. So I did."

"And why would Zayden try to protect me? I don't understand." That is the part that's really don't understand. He has never gone out of his way to be nice to me. I get why Brody wants to protect me.

"Because he knows what you mean to me and I am looking out for you. It was for the best and like it or not, it worked!" He stands signaling the end to that conversation. Like it or not, it's done and I have no choice but to accept it. This was definitely not the way I expected my day to go. 

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