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Three years later...

No One's POV

Suga, Kita, Hanamaki, Oikawa, Tendou and Yaku are 17 years old now. Ennoshita, Noya, Akagi, Tsumu, Samu, Futakuchi, Terushima, Shirabu, Yahaba, Akaashi and Kenma are 16 years old while Hinata, Goshiki, Yachi, Yamaguchi and Kunimi are 15 years old. Nara and her friends are 16 years old too. They have been living together for 3 years.

All of them were in the living room watching movie together.

'Okay grandpa, I'll come tomorrow. Yes, yes. I'll bring Riko and the others too. What! You want me to bring them too. What if something happen! Okay, okay. See you tomorrow. Love you. Bye.' Nara ended the call.

"What grandpa told you?" Ailin asked.

Nara told them all the things she and her grandfather had just talked about.At first the omegas did not agree but they agreed in the end because they were indebted to Nara his friends who had saved them from their nightmares. "Thank you very much, you are all very kind."Nara said then called his grandfather and told him about it.

"Grandpa said come to the company at 9 a.m. because he want us to have breakfast with the us." Nara said and walked to her room. The others just continue watched the movie.

Time skips ~~~~

The next morning...

All of them dress up and waiting for someone to pick them up. Not long after that, a limo came and pick them up except Nara and Riko. They went the by motorbike that was bought for all of them. After 30 minutes, they arrived at the company and saw Nara's grandfather waving at them. They walked toward him and Nara hugged him." You so beautiful today, Nara. And all of you also beautiful. So this is are the omegas you are taking care of?" Her grandpa asked and smile at the omegas. Nara nodded.

"Anyway let's go meet the other guests and have breakfast together." His grandfather took them to meet the others in the guest dining room.

At the guest dining room...

At the guest dining room

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When they arrived...

Nara turned at saw the tops and smile."So this are the omegas that you guys take care of. So cute." Kuroo said and making the bottoms blushed.

"Stop flirting with them you rooster head, let's go to the table." Nara said making the others laughed at Kuroo.

"You're so mean!" Kuroo said and Nara nodded while smiling.

They have breakfast together but seperated from their fathers.While they were enjoying breakfast, Nara and her friends could feel the tops spies staring at the omegas without blinking.Nara could feel the bottoms not feeling comfortable with the reflection.

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