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Alex's POV

Me, my mom and my siblings will make a surprised birthday party for my handsome dad, Sakusa Kiyoomi. Uncle Komori and his wife auntie Akagi also help us with the preparations. My others uncle will hangout with dad so that we will have time to do the preparations.My mom, auntie Tooru, Koushi, Kita, Akaashi, Satori and Yaku was at the kitchen preparing the foods.
While my others auntie was helping me and my siblings decorated the house with the help of their children.

With Sakusa and the tops...
Iwaizumi's POV

Me and the tops took Sakusa to mall and hangout together because my wife and the bottoms togehter with our children was doing the preparation. We also have fun at the arcade. The party will start at 8 pm, so we have around 3 hours before we brought Sakusa home. "Where we want to go next?" I asked the tops.

"Lets just go home! I'm tired and bored." Sakusa and try to walked away but Kuroo and Bokuto stop him.

"How bout no! Oh come on, Kiyoomi-san. Its not everyday the tops can hangout together." Kageyama said and we nodded.

He right. We so busy with our company and doesnt have time to hangout together. Suddenly we heard someone stomuch growl. We all turn to see Tanaka with red face. "Sorry i just hungry. We have been playing at the arcade for 2 hours and haven eat anything." He said and chuckled.

"Okay! Lets go to the famous restaurant and eat there." Daichi said and we droved to the restaurant.

When we arrived there, we saw Nara and her friends was sitting togehter with their husband. "NARA!" Tanaka shouted making her turned and smiled. She sit up and walked toward us and hug Tanaka. "Tanaka! Long time no see, huh? You guys become more handsome now." She chuckled.

"You too. You also become more beautiful. And Nara can we talked the two of us alone." I said and she nodded.

Me and her went to a corner far from others and talked. "Hey! Did Atsumu told you bout Sakusa's birthday party?" She shook her head.

"Oh! Today is Sakusa birthday so Atsumu and our wife together with our children was preparing for the party so we need to hangout with Sakusa while they prepared the party. So would you guys like to come?" I said and she smiled.

"Why not? So what time is the party?" Nara asked and i told her.

After that she wave at me and walked back to her husband. I was so happy to see her and her friends happy and found someone who can love them because of theirselves. I walked back to my friends to see them smirking at me. "Sooooo... iwa-chan! What you two talking bout?" Daishou asked.

"Nothing important. Did you guys already order the foods?" I asked and they shook their heads.

Soon after, the waiter came and took our orders. While we eat, Nara and her friends together with their husbands came to us. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Bokuto-san Hey!" Mika said half yelled.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Mika-chan Hey!" Bokuto yelled making the others customers looked at us.

They chuckled. "Long time no see! You guys still handsome as ever." Riko said while her husband look at her and pouted.

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