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No one's POV

As usual, Nara and Riko will come back home with bruise and cuts. Nara and Riko attending a school full of delinquents while the others went to an elite alpha school because Nara and Riko wants them to gathered informations bout that school. The tops also attending the same school as Ailin and the others. After school the tops always come to their house to visited the bottoms

After school...
At Nara's House...

"Were home and they also come today. You guys go sit at the couch." Mika told the tops and walked to their room.

Not long after that, The bottoms come with snacks and tea." Comfort yourselves." Kita said and smile.

Suddenly someone yelled." Were home, mommy." Nara said and run toward Suga and Kita and hugged them.

Aran and Daichi looked at her with sharp look because they feel jealous. Suga and Kita touch Nara and Riko face and apply some medicine.

"Fighting again?" Kita said making Nara and Riko nodded while smiling. All the bottoms sighed except Noya and Hinata.

"Hey! Did you guys win?" Noya and Hinata asked in unison. They nodded making Noya and Hinata jump on them. Nara and Riko throw their bags and catch them.

"You guys so cool and strong." They said making Nara and Riko smile sweetly.

The tops look at them with sharp gaze because they feel jealous of the females alpha because they can always getting hugs and kisses from the bottoms. Nara who realized that Kageyama look at her with dark aura making her want to teased him more so she hugged Hinata tightly and kiss his forehead making Hinata giggled. Suddenly Kageyama fainted making the others shocked and Nara laughed. She put Hinata down and walked to her room. The tops still try to wake up Kageyama but he still unconsious. 'She kiss Hinata and hug him' Kageyama mumbled making all of them laughed and Hinata blushed.

The tops are having dinner at the bottoms house. They are having hot pot today."Why hot pot did something good happen?" Nara and Riko asked with confused look.

"Oh! We just craving hot pot today so we make it. Unfortunately, the boys are here so its like having a big family dinner." Mirai said and they started to dig their dinner.

"Nara!" Aran call her.


"Why you always got into a fight? You know like you guys are the type who doesnt care bout other people and doesnt want to be involved with them so how?"

"Its simple. Me and Riko never care bout other people bussines but they always try to disturb us and always asked us for a fight. At first we just ignored them but they keep to approach us to fight so we end up fighting everyday because of that me and Riko have bruise everyday. We dont even know why they always try to pick a fight with us. However they still cant win again us." Nara said and laughing so hard.

The tops and the bottoms were emtertained with Nara's story so the end up laughing so hard." You still not changed because you still stupid and a dumbass." Tsukishima said and smirked at Nara.

"You still salty, saltshaker. I bet no one will fall in love with a saltshaker." Nara said and smirked back.

"Who said no one. There already one." Kei said and look toward Yamaguchi who already blushing.

"Wow! Who will ever think that a saltshaker can be a straightforward sometimes." Nara said and all of them laughed making Tsukishima and Yamagushi blushed.

After dinner the went into the couch and wait there because Nara want to tell them something."Okay i have been thinking bout it that i want you to pack you bags and get out of the room." Nara said and making the bottoms shocked.

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