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Atsumu's POV

Me and my friends were resting at the living room. Oikawa was out on a date with Dongwon, i'm so jealous of him. I miss Omi-Omi even after what his parents done to me but its not his fault. Ahh! Stop it Tsumu you need to move on. While i was daydreaming, Nara approached. "Tsumu?!" I flinched making her chuckled

"Yes?" I asked

"Are you bored?" She asked and i nodded.

"How bout we go to supermarket with Kita, Suga, Akaashi, Yaku and Futakuchi. I want to buy some cookies ingredients and also our lunch and dinner." She said and i nodded

"But what bout the others?" I asked

"Dont worry! My friends already bring them to other place so that you guys wont be bored." She said and i quickly get ready to go.

After 15 minutes, me, Kita, Suga, Akaashi, Yaku and Futakuchi done and left for the supermarket. When we arrived there,  I take the trolly and we enter the supermarket. Me, Nara and Futakuchi went to buy some ingredients for the cookies while Suga, Yaku, Akaashi and Kita went to buy meat, vegetables and others for our lunch and dinner. "NARA! What do we need to buy to make the cookies?" I asked

She smile. "We need all this." She show me a list of the ingredients we need to buy. While we were searching for the ingredients, i accidently hit a women with the trolly. "WTH! WATCH WHERE YOU GOING." She yell making me flinched same with Nara and Futa.

Nara apologized but the woman keep yelling at us because her dress also torn a bit. "DO YOU THINK HOW MUCH THIS DRESS COSTS? YOU GUYS ARE POOR AND DONT EVEN HAVE MONEY TO PAY FOR MY DRESS." She yelled at us.

Nara clenched her fist. Suddenly Nara do something unexpected making me and Futa shocked but proud. She take out her purse and throw money infront of the women. "Not enough? Dont worry i have more and for your information i'm Nara Aina the heir of Nara Company. The largest and the richest company in Japan. So if all this money are not enough to pay for your dress just ask because i'm more rich than you think." Nara said and we left the woman dumbfounded.

"Pfft!" Nara look at us with confused face

"Hahahahhaha! Nice kill Nara. You make that stupid woman clueless. And you need to see your face when you throw the money. You look like an arrogant and conceited billionaire right?"Futa said and i nodded.

Nara chuckled and we continue searching for the ingredients. Suddenly, i bumped into someone again. "I'm sorry! Why i'm so clumsy today." I said to myself.


I turned to met with a curly black hair man that have two beautiful mole on his right forehead. "!" I said and he hugs me.

I froze. I miss his warm hug and i miss his scent. Without i realized i already hugs him back. "Tsumu! I miss you so much. I want you back, lets have a new life together." Sakusa said but i quickly push him away.

"NO! I dont want to be hurt again. Please Sakusa just forget bout me." I said and almost burst into tears.

I tried to run away but Sakusa hugs me tightly. "Sakusa! Let me go." I said.

"No! Please Atsumu. I love you and i need you please dont leave me. If you already have someone in your heart please just lets keep in touch as a friend." He said

Suddenly, "Tsumu did you get the‐" Nara stop not far from me and Sakusa stood.

"Haihhhh! Sakusa. Let him go, if you want to talk with Atsumu lets talk in another place. This is supermarket its not a suitable place to fight." Nata said and Sakusa let me go.

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