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"WHAT?!" The omegas yell.

Nara nodded with serious face. "I'm sorry Nara but we refused to be pair with anyone except them." Oikawa said and make an eyes contact with Nara.

Nara sigh. "Its for your safety! But what i mean by be partner with other people it doesnt mean to make them bite you guys. I still want you guys to be together okay! I wont destroy my ships. Never in my life 😤😤😤, so chill." Nara said making the omegas let out a deep breath and smile at her.

"Go rest! I think you guys must be tired from early incident." The omegas nodded and went to their rooms.

Soon, her friends arrived with many scratch. "Oiyyy! You guys look terrible. Go treat your wounds and let me handle other things. Also take a rest you guys already do your best to protect them." Nara left


We are watching movie with Rika and the others except Nara. She look busy since this morning after we got attack by the boys mothers. "Rika!😭😭😭." Nara suddenly came and throw herself on the couch making us worry.

"What? Did something bad happen?" Rika look worried same goes to us.

"Sakura Sensei call me and told us to go back to school or we need to repeat year." Nara said

Rika laughed. "Chill! We gonna go to school. Dont worry bout that, we wont repeat year okay? And i bet your grandpa gonna get mad since we have been skipping school for almost 2 months 😋😋😋." Rika said

Now we think back. Since we started dating the boys, Nara and her friends have been skipping school to protect us. "Who gonna protect them when were gone? 😭😭😭😭." Nara said.

"Its fine. There still many people will take care of us Nara. You guys need to go to school." I said and she buried her face on the pillow.

"Fine! But promise me that if something happen, quickly call us." She said and we nodded.

"Why of all time, why now😤😤😤?" She complained

I cant help but laughed to see her keep complaining bout going to school. I hope everything gonna be fine tomorrow.


"We will see you guys after school!" Nara and her friends left to their school with their motorbikes.

"So what we gonna do now?" Hinata asked

Everyone shrugged. "Hey! I want to ask all of you." Akaashi said.

All of us gave him a questionable looks. "When do you guys want to tell them that we want to break up?" He ask making us silence.

I almost forgot bout that, but we still need to do so that our boyfriends mom would stop hunting us since Nara want to do surprise attack when they find suitable time. "Haihhh! How bout we do it today? If we broke up with them now we can make then stop disturbing us and gave Nara time to do surprise attack at them." Futakuchi said

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