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The bottoms were having a party together at their house since Nara and her friends were busy doing something. Nara told her underlings to guard the house to make sure the omegas safe. Each of them have one bodyguard, Osamu got  Yuuma as his bodyguard. Yuuma really care bout Osamu especially when he got sick or in heat. But when Osamu in heat Yuuma will give him suppressent so they wont go any further since Yuuma know that Osamu doesnt have any romantic feeling for him. After almost three hours, all of them fall asleep and their bodyguard carry them to their rooms. All of the bodyguard went to clean their mess and then sit on the couch together. Yuuma sigh. "Oiyyy! You still have feeling for Osamu? You better stop that, Nara already warn us not to developed any feelings for them. Remember Osamu gonna go back to his old mate after Nara destroy the mafia gang." Saeki said

Yuuma look down then he let out a deep breath. Everyone try to cheer him up since he really need someone to talk right now. "Yuuma!" They turn to see Osamu standing there.

"Do you need something, Osamu?" Saeki ask

"No! Its just when i woke up Yuuma already gone." He said and smile.

Everyone turn to Yuuma who is now blushing so hard. His face is so red as tomato. "Yuuma? Why your face so red? Did you got sick or something?" Osamu approached him and place his hand on Yuuma's forehead

Yuuma who was shocked by his action suddenly collapsed. "Yuuma!!!" Osamu yell

"This idiot!" Saeki told the others to bring Yuuma to Osamu's room.

Osamu took care of Yuuma until he woke up. He wipe Yuuma's body with wet towels and also change his clothes. "Osamu! You should go and have fun with your friends, i'll be taking care of Yuuma for you." Osamu nodded and left.

Saeki smacked Yuuma head making him woke up. "WTF!!!" He look at Saeki who look at him like he want to kill him.

He gulp. "So? You already fine Mr. Yuuma?" Saeki had a evil grin.

Yuuma shuddered. (PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS LIFE)


I already destroy half of the gang and only the top fighter are the only left. I need to take them down before i can fully destroy their gang. And after this, i can destroy the tops mother's since they dont have anyone to ask for help. I also gonna have some help from the bodyguard comp. to help me handle this situation. I never work this hard just to protect someone. "Urghh! I just want to sleep. I bet they are having fun at home now." I said and continue my work

I already ask all my friends to help me with this problem. I spent 7 months to destroy this gang little by little. It kind of tired but i need to do this as fast as i could. Suddenly, while i was talking with the direc.tor of the bodyguard comp. my cousin enter my office room

 my cousin enter my office room

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Hideyoshi Matsumoto

He approached me. "What do you want?" I ask and end the call.

"Nothing! But who you talking to earlier? You look so serious." He ask and i shook my head.

I dont want him to get involve in my problem. He quite annoying and fyi Hideyoshi is an omega. Quite tough looking omega and he already have a mate. They always do it at the office especially at the store. I remember that i caught them doing at his office. Since then i never went to his office except he call me. "Hey! I want to tell you something." He said

"What?" I aso but still looking a t my laptop screen.

He chuckled. "I'M PREGNANT!!!" He yelled making me shocked.

"What!??? When??? How???" I said in disbelieve.

"I have been throw up for almost a month and i decided to go for a check up and it turn out that i'm pregnant for 3 months. And when i count back, my last heat was 3 months ago and at the same time Kaito also have his rut. I bet that night he knock me." He said with straight face.

I sigh. "Did you already told Kaito bout this?" He shook his head.

"Why? You should told him already since he will become a father you know." I said

"I know and i will tell him later but i also want to tell all of our families bout this news." He saud and chuckled.

By the way he's chuckled. "Dont tell me another family meeting! I wont go since i already know bout this news and also they dont even want me there except grandpa also you and Kaito." I said while looking at the files infront of me.

"Come on! Please Nara for me. 🥺🥺🥺🥺." He making puppy eyes.

"Urghhh! Fine. Youre so annoying! Tell me the time and place i'll be coming and right after you told the news i'll left. Got it?" I said and he smile and hugs me.



I went to a nearby cafe and rest there. Nowadays, i always busy with homeworks and also company works. I need to check all the files so there no mistakes during the process. Suddenly, i saw Kiyoko enter the cafe front door. She saw me and approached me. "Hey! Long time no see. How's life?" I ask and she sigh.

"I can keep up like this! The female omega and beta are so f**king annoying. They always clingy to me even i said that i dont like it. Yachi are more better than them, what are my mom saw in them. What i saw is Yachi are more better and polite and kind." She complained.

I never saw Kiyoko this mad since we kids. I bet those two really are annoying. "Nara! How long i need to wait until i can be with Yachi back?" She ask in a sad tone.

I smile and hold her hand. "Be patient a little bit. I almost done and after this i'll let you guys meet them again." I said and she smile.

I almost done with my plan. I already destroy almost 90% of their clan. Now i just need to face with their boss and after that destroy the alphas mom's comp. by showing Japan their trueselves. "However Kiyoko? Are you willing to become homeless so that you can be with Yachi?" I said and she without hesitated nodded.

I hold her hands tightly. "Tell this to the others! If you guys suddenly become homeless come to my house and i'll let you and your family lives there." I said and she nodded.

We continue chatting for almost half an hour before walk seperate ways.




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