See you again.

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"Y/N.Leader of Port Mafia's International Business Affairs.Profits approximately 25 million dollars to the organisation.A gold gem indeed.".Chuuya voiced on me,with a hint of amusement.

"Welcome back,princess.".He said.
I smile at him while walking towards him.I hug him and he hugs back.

"Hello to you too.".I greeted jokingly.
He's taller than me so he ruffles my black hair ,making it a little messy.
Then,he breaks off the hug and lead me to the a unique elevator.

Only people with  important positions and titles are able to use this.

Ofc I can too.

A little robotic camera scans our faces and said

Welcome Top Executive Chuuya Nakahara.
It has been a long time,Captain Of International Affairs.Y/N-chan!

It's a smart robot that knows how long we had been gone.
And almost everyone calls me Y/N-chan with squeaky tone.I don't mind it tho.


"The view from the top is amazing huh?".I murmured as I watch in awe the beautiful city of Yokohama from the elevator.

"Yeahh".Chuuya replied.

Then the elevator stops and dings lightly.Indicating that I am now at the floor.

Ogai Mori's floor office.

I knock at the boss's big door,with chuuya beside me.
A 'come in' was heard from him and I open it.

The moment he looked at me,he was shocked.Nor knowing what to say.

"Hello Boss.".I bow at him with respect.
Then I look back up and he was running at me?

"Y/N-CHANNN!!!!!".He shouts and hugs me tightly.
I stood awkwardly while he nags about things.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU VISIT ME WHEN I WAS SICKK!! The enemies really struck us hard! Cruel woman you are now!".He makes fake crying noises while unintentionally suffocating me from his tight hug.


He breaks off the hug and gave me a smile.
"I as the boss miss you so much.How was overseas?"

I take a deep breath and reply with "Quite something challenging indeed."
He only laughs and walks to his seat that was facing the big window,looking at the city of Yokohama.

He then fake coughs and starts to say "Well,y/n-chan.When we were under attack,I thought you would come sooner to our aid.But I was struck in reality that you never came.Made me sad y'know.".He pouts jokingly at me.

I walk towards him. "If the office here crumbles.I would have come....But I know you guys won't disappoint and handle the situation maturely.Maybe not Chuuya but yeah.".I grin at the red-oranged man behind me.

'Hey!'.Was all I heard.

"And think about it.If the office here crumbles,I need to protect my international situation,so that we won't go bankrupt.Sure we don't care about money but it's a necessary thing that we need to fund this organisation for.".I explain calmly at boss.He seems to understand and nods.

"That's my student for sure.".He said.
"Say y/ remind me so much of someone."
I cross my arm,knowing who the 'someone' is.

"Both of you are really geniuses in making decisions.Not to mention,he was the one who actually lead us into capturing Fyodor.That dangerous rascal..".He stated.

Suddenly, a blonde haired girl tugs at my clothing behind.

It's Elise.

"Hi Elise.It's been a long time huh?".I greeted.

She just nods and pull me into a hug.I'm close to Elise because of the times I spent studying,learning from Mori five years ago.Both of us eventually became close friends.
I guess I'm like a sister for her.

"Say y/n? Don't you want to visit Dazai?".Mori asked me nonchalantly.

I shrugged and say "if time allows i guess".

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