His cooking.

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"So what do you think? A beautiful colour isn't it?!".Dazai looks at me with puppy eyes after giving his 'leftover' paint of nude colour.I sigh in defeat at his cute face.

"Fine then...At least it's not black or sumthin else".I said. "Thank you dazai"

Dazai walks towards his apartment door and unlocks it.He gestures me to come inside and I get in.
I look all over the place,warm and simple is what I call it.
There was white futon on the wooden floor beside it theres a simple kitchen.There's a big window that you can see the sunset clear from here.
I guess it's an ideal house.

"Come here princess...it may not be much compare to your hotel but it's all good".Dazai said after sitting himself down on the futon.I notice he took his brown coat off and I do the same,taking my dark green coat off and toss it aside a table.
I awkwardly sat beside him and he reaches for my waist quickly,making me sit on top of his lap.
I blush at the position we were in and shift around uncomfortably.
"I-uh-don't think this is right...".I murmured awkwardly.
Dazai's hand were still on my waist.I can feel his breath on my neck...
We're close.
Too close...

His left hand leaves my waist and pushes my back slowly,making our chests feel each other.
My face is probably priceless from how close we are.
I can't handle this kind of situation...
Dazai whispers closely to my right ear.

"look at how close we are...unlike the past...".
My heart is pounding fast as fuckkkkk.
"y/n-chan...do i make you feel things?"

I don't even know why he makes me feel 'things' when I usually never do.But it's different.Being with him makes me nervous,makes me want more.I don't know what but it was like I need his validation or something.

"d-dazai.we shouldn't...".I was cut off by him nibbling my neck.I tense up and unconsciously holds his shoulders.
"we can't do what? speak up princess~".He whispers and continue nibbling neck.I whimper at his actions.

"h-hey...dazai...don't do this...ah~".I moan a little bit when he licks my neck.
Oh how this man has so much power over me...

He then stops licking at stares at me with no expression.
My hands were still at his shoulders.He smirks and lands a kiss on my lips.I reply back at the kiss.

"you have so much control over me princess~"
He said and continues kissing me.
"look at you...so vulnerable~".He grins.

After a minute,we both stopped to catch our breaths and I look at the side,feeling embarrassed about the kiss.
He just laughs and lay me down softly,now he is on top of me.
Then he stands up and head towards the kitchen.I groan quietly at the lost of his touch and examines his actions.

He takes out some ingredients from the fridge and washes them.

"are you going to cook?".I asked curiously. "what will you make?"

"Yes and I'm going to make stir-fried sausage dish for both of us~~".He replied and continues doing his work.

I stand up to look around his apartment.It was clean and neat,just like him.
I notice he had a bookshelf full of books and I ask him "what book do you like the most?".
He looks at me and walks closer behind me.The bookshelf was out of my reach so he reaches his hand up and takes a specific book.
"Here".He said.
I notice how close he was again and immediately takes the book from him.I walk fast towards the futon and look at the book.
"we can't even stay far from each other huhh~~~".He teases me and walks to kitchen again,continuing to cook.
I roll my eyes and reads the title of the book.

Complete Guide to Suicide

"are you suicidal or something?".I asked him and he just hums in a sing-song tone.
"yes~~would you like to do a double suicide with me?    y/n-chan~~~".

I shake my head as a no and look at him weirdly.
"why do you like this book?".

"its a good book~~and a good book is always good no matter how many times you've read it~~aya! it's like i said those words to someone before..."

I shake my head at his craziness and opens the book.

To think that at the worst crucial moment one can escape from the pain is by committing suicide, one can live for the moment easier. So by distributing this book, I want to make this stifling society an easier place to live in. This is the aim of this book. And I never intend to encourage readers to commit suicide.

"ooohhh~~".I hummed and then dazai's voice speaks up.
"food is ready!!"

Now that was quick.He takes a small table and puts it in front of me then puts the food and two plates,one for each.

"thank you! and eat well!".We both thanked and I take a piece of sausage and dips it in ketchup.
I smile at dazai while eating the food and he smiles back.

"what do you like about this book?".I asked him while my eyebrows raised.
"Hmm~ I've read it a lot of times and the methods of ending one's life is very detailed and clean.it also have the author's philosophy perspective about death.it's fun but dark."

I almost choked on my food listening to him talking calmly.
He really wants to die?

Now that bothers me...
a little bit.
I think?


After we finished eating,I propose that I should do the dishes since he cooked.Manners I suppose I could say.

While washing the dishes,I can feel hands around my waist.Of course it's dazai himself.

"y/n~~i crave for something~~".He whispered seductively at my right ear.
I blush at our closeness and asks "what?".
I can hear his smirk and he says strictly "this."

He turns me around and kisses me roughly,my watery hands were wrapped around his neck.He pulls me up,making me sit on the kitchen counter.
His tongue and mine's fought one another for dominance but he wins.

We both break the kiss,panting.
I stare at his eyes and he did the same too.
He had pinky cheeks just like mine,I thought.

Then,a call rang loudly.

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