Such a normal day

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[Shota's pov]

Like every day, I tried to get out of bed to go to school. We live in buildings called dorms that stand on school grounds to be as close to the school as possible. I go to UA which is a school for future heroes. I'm the type of person who doesn't express himself much and prefers to sit somewhere in the corner. Learning is quite good for me and I would be even better if I had someone less loud in my room than Hizashi Yamada, he is perhaps the loudest person in the world and I have to be at peace with him. I can't even sleep well because he comes back late at night and always makes a fuss and a mess so he always wakes me up. He has been quiet only about twice in the time we have lived in dorms, it is difficult to live in peace with someone when his quirk is his voice. Before I could look around, Hizashi was standing by my bed, staring at me, he didn't even blink.

"What is it ?!" I said in a slightly angry voice. He knows I don't like it when someone stares at me for a long time.

"Emmm ... What? .. Nothing but let's not be late. School starts in 20 minutes," he said, turning and leaving.

,, 20 minutes? So it's still time "I mumbled to myself, threw the blanket over my head and kept trying to sleep (but people understand, it isn't possible when you live with him). So I had no choice but to get out of bed, get ready and go to school.

At school, I sat down where I should sit and laid my head on the bench with the hope that I could at least get some rest, but he didn't come to the "Mr. Loud" class, and gradually everyone added to his volume until everyone shouted instead of talking. So that meant the end of my rest.

[Hizashi's pov]

I got out of bed shortly after the alarm rang. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and try to comb the sparrow's nest on my head. After some time of wrestling with the hairbrush, I managed to comb it somehow, so I combed it up into my usual hairstyle and went to wake Shota, because it's still hidden in the bed. I came to his bed and started looking at him, because I know he doesn't like it when someone looks at him for a long time and my watching always wakes him up, so such a simple tactic that has been tested several times. I stared at him for a while, but then I stopped perceiving reality so I looked stupid and I was in my own world.

"What is it ?!" Sho said, sending me back to Earth.

Emmm ... What? .. Nothing but don't be late. School starts in 20 minutes." I said I was still recovering from my quick and unexpected landing on Earth and I went to get some more things ready for school, to see if they have any tasks that I could finish (well you know it such a classic no XD). When I left, I just heard him mumble something, and from the other sounds I heard, I decided he wasn't going to get up and that he was going to sleep anyway. I left the dorms before Sho, but I went to class later because I met a few more people in the hallway so I talked to them and only then did I go to class.

Ohayo my dear dear weebs, today my brain cell has stopped working (rather) so there is no more. I hope you enjoyed this fairly short chapter, don't be afraid to publish a longer one, because

1. I'm too lazy

2. I don't have the brain capacity to do that, after all, you can't do much with one cell

3. This length of chapters will be fine for me

4. I don't know, I just want to have number four here, because it's my favorite

If you have any questions, comments or any ideas for improvement, then the comments from here are here :-)

Yeah, that's probably all I wanted to tell you so far, so bye for now and some other chapters

Your Tomato 🍅

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