Oh no....!

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In classroom

[Shota's pov]

After a while, I managed to fall asleep at least for a while, but for a while something is better than nothing, but then the bell rang so the teacher came and it was after bed. We had six hours today.

The first lesson was survivable, because I don't have a problem with mathematics, it's just that the teacher sits on me for some mysterious reason, does it bother me that I sometimes take a nap in his lessons or what bothers him so much?

The second lesson was fine, we had such a good substitute teacher, so she let me sleep, otherwise we have such a special teacher at natural history, who gives out notes for everything, just such a bitch.

The third lesson was music, so my ears were just dying, otherwise it was also quite cool.

The fourth lesson was physical training, or rather various quirk training with doubles matches against other students. I was in a pair with a girl in a class called Habari and we were against Yankaro and Hati. My quirk is that I can erase other quirks for as long as I keep my eyes open, because it's more of a psychic quirk so I have a weapon enabled or as it counts as equipment and that's my scarf.

Habari's quirk is that she can turn anything alive into any animal or transform a certain part, and her weakness is that she is then sick, but for some reason she is sick to the person to whom the quirk is applied.

Yankaro's quirk is that what he paints becomes a reality but is then terribly tired which is his weakness. Usually we have to bring him to school somehow, because he just can't do it.

Hati's quirk is that he can turn into a wolf just doesn't really know how his quirk works or what his trigger is and that's his weakness.

Well the matches have begun. So I still have a bit of a problem controlling the scarf, but I'm fine with quirk. I climbed to a building that was at the training ground to know who was and just to have an overview of everything.

Habari, meanwhile, was walking down the aisle two blocks away. Yankaro is hidden in a dead end below me and Hati is three blocks from me but in the other direction than Habari. So I thought I could take the opportunity to unexpectedly attack on Yankaro, and that would be one opponent in the neck. As I said, so I did. I got into a fight with him when I heard Habari shout, "Shota watch!", Before I could at least react or turn around, she used her quirk on me. Nothing happened, so I thought I was it just passed, so we continued the fight, and at the end, Hati joined us.

In the end, Habari and I won. So we went back to school from the training ground. I went to class but I got sick on the way so I went to the nearest bathroom, to wash my face, I thought I would be at least a little better, but on the contrary I was even worse. I went to the booths and locked myself in so that no one could see me and I started thinking why nothing made me so bad out of nowhere and then I realized .......

[Hizashi's pov]

When we returned from the training ground back to school. I wanted to go to Shot and tell him that he had succeeded in those matches. I entered the classroom but I didn't see him, so I peeked out the door from the classroom, saw him turn around and ran to the bathroom.

"I want to go after him. Should I go see him? What if it's nothing. But what if something worse happened to him ?! I'll follow him. No, I can't, I'll just bother him. I'll go. I'm not going. I'm not going. But what if something serious really happened? "This kept going to my mind.

So when I decided and overcame my mind that I would go after him, the bell rang for another hour. I didn't see Sho at five o'clock, so I started to worry about what had happened to him. "Well, finally the end of the hour. I can go to him now and see what happens to him- "

"Yamada, Hizashi," the teacher said in a completely pleasant voice.

"Yes?" I asked, not knowing what he wanted from me at all. I just wanted to leave quietly because I'm afraid of what happened to Shota.

"Can you explain to me why you were completely out for an hour? I called you about three times and he never answered, "she said, looking at me with a look that looked like he was trying to kill me.

"Emmmm ..... Well? .. I don't have today ..... I-I didn't get much sleep..I couldn't sleep" "I hope she believes me" I thought, waiting for her reaction .

"Well, I'll believe you, but don't let it happen again next time," she said and walked away.

I took a quicker step out of class and went to find Shota on the toilet. When I entered, he heard some sounds from the other cabin, which was the only one closed.

"Sho?" I said quite quietly, and the moment I said it, the sounds died down, I was a little embarrassed, but then he answered quietly.

"Yes, Hizashi?" There was nothing in his voice.

"Come out, you weren't in chemistry. What happened? "I asked, hoping he would answer or get out of the booth.

"O-Oh nothing, I just wasn't feeling well. That's all. "And as I expected, he climbed out.

"Shouldn't I take you to the Recovery Girl ?!"

"No, I'm fine--" He didn't even say it and fell on the floor.

"Yeah yeah clear, I see that and you can't avoid the Recovery girl" I muttered to myself and without hesitation I took him as a Recovery girl

I approached her door carefully, knocked softly, and waited for the call. As soon as it was announced that I could come in, I came in. I put Shota on the bed, bed or as it is called and the Recovery girl started asking me various questions.

"Haven't you complained before that he's not feeling well?" She asked with a stony expression on her face.

"Well, don't complain to anyone, he just suddenly went to the bathroom and I didn't go to see him until another hour."

,,Good good. And what happened before he left? At that class before? "

"We had a gym, we fought each other with quirks. I don't remember much about his match because I was preparing for my fight. "

As I answered the Recovery girl's questions, Sho slowly woke up, got up on the bed to look at us, and said:

"I fought Habari and I suspect she accidentally hit me with her quirk because I wasn't paying attention."

"What is her quirk?" The Recovery girl asked

I told her everything about the name of her quirk, what it causes and how her quirk affects you.

"Well, like Aizawa said he was hit by a quirk, I think that's true, because ..." she pulled back the curtain and lay behind the curtain on Habari's bed "I don't know how it affects people, and I don't know how to stop or cure it. You'll probably have to wait for it to go away on its own."

Ohayo my dear web sites, the next chapter came out so late for two reasons

1) I was at the camp for a few days

2) I had an idea, I also knew how to process it, but I was very lazy to write it and I apologize for that

This chapter is long because ......
Wait! I don't really know why it's so long. Well, it's just longer than the first one, but you've probably noticed, I suppose 😅
Well, that's probably all from me in the author's notes, so


Your Tomato🍅

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