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[Shota's pov]

When I woke up, I flick my ears. Wait WHAT ?! I really flick my ears or it seemed to me. No it is impossible but if it were possible as Oh MY GOD. But it can't be possible, it would have to be some quirk ..... Well, man. I'm either fetishized, rotten, in a different body, or I'm going to kill Habari in a moment. That's impossible so she hit me hard in that training.

,,Hi, it's good that you're finally up. You've been up before, but for about two minutes, and you've passed out again, "said the Recovery Girl, and went somewhere, but with my luck, she came back with Yamada.

Why is he here? I thought, and I let it be, because Yamada started asking me all sorts of questions.

,,How are you?"
"It's working"
,,Do you feel good?"

Just such a typical whirlwind of questions except for one.

"Do you have cat ears?" He asked, reaching out to touch if they were real. I pushed his hand away, hissed softly, and answered.
"Yeah, I do and don't touch them," he said, a little annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't realize they could be sensitive," he withdrew his hand.

"Okay, but don't even try to touch them anymore" I raised a finger to indicate that I meant it, and that I'm uncomfortable with it.

"Yeah, don't worry, I won't do it again unless you want it yourself," He smiled.

This smile was different from the others, this smile seemed to be dedicated to me. I smiled at that.

"You smiled?!" He looked at me in disbelief.

"Don't smile"

"But I smiled I saw it"

"Emmmm you dreamed"

"It didn't seem" he smiled again. "Again please"

"No, because I didn't smile."

"Agghh fine, I'll wait another time"

[Hizashi's pov]

"Agghh fine, I'll wait another time," I smiled and began to stand up.
But I still want to reach, grinned for myself, turned quickly and reached for them.
"They are soft" I started stroking and scraping them from the inside and looking at it in amazement

"Stop it .... Please ~"


"They are sensitive"

,,In a moment"

,, Hizashi ~ "

When I heard that, I blushed, stopped, withdrew my hand, and tried to take what had just happened.
,,I said they were sensitive !!" he said aloud, pulling the blanket over his head.
,,I-I'm sorry I don't know they are sensitive in this way, and I guess I'd better go," I stammered, getting up abruptly and walking into the room.
That what had just happened had not just sighed my name, I told myself, and confusedly went into the room. I fell in the morning and I was lying on the ground. I shudderred and looked up.

,,Hello Nemuri" she set her hand, I grabbed and picked it up


,,What did you dream about not noticing me again?" She asked with a provocative grin on her face.

,,Nothing, nothing, nothing" I went away quickly again. When I reached the room, I slammed the door and collapsed on my bed.

,,Shiiiiiiiit" I shouted and put my hands in front of my face.

,,Why did I do that when he said no?"

,,I'm an asshole," I said aloud to myself

I turned on my stomach and yelled into the pillow using quirk.

I yelled for a while, then got up and went to the shared kitchen. Yanke came

,,Any dealt with what's going on?" He asked, laughing

,,I just woke up now" I lied because I didn't sleep but yelled at the pillow

,,Did you sleep? Isn't this more typical of Aizawa? "

,,I guess so, but I just fell asleep today, okay?"

,,Yeah chill, I was just asking" and left

Why is he suddenly talking about him when I want to forget what happened? I thought and went to the fridge for something cold to drink.

,,Oh Monster," I took it and went back to the room where I sat in a chair by the table. I took my headphones off my neck, set them aside, and banged my head on the table.

,,This is probably bad, maybe, maybe, for sure."

Suddenly the door opened and I kept looking at the barn. It's Yanke anyway, I thought and said,

,,Fuck you Yanke, you have nothing to do here."

But I live here too"

Wait, it's not Yanke, don't tell me it's ...

,,Hah H-Hi, I didn't expect to be released today."

,,Neither do I," Shota said, walking to his bed where he sat.

,,Won't you talk to them?" He asked, then lay down

,,I guess not, I'm kind of overwhelmed," I chuckled nervously.

,,All right, I'm going to sleep, good," he said calmly, as if nothing had happened, turned to face the wall, and only a quiet snoring could be heard.

,,Good" I put my head on the table and with the thought of how calm it takes it I fell asleep on the table.


Maybe I'm alive, maybe not, but it doesn't matter

I'm back, probably not in full parade and strength, because I'm just a lazy beast, but that's secondary.

I hope you enjoyed the next chapter and didn't die like I did when I wrote it.

Write any comments, complaints, ideas, advice and feedback in the comments, so I know what to improve.

With love somewhere deep underground and joyfully still undiscovered


Your Tomato🍅

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