Something else?....

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[Shota's pov]

I felt terribly sick at night, so I got up and went to the bathroom to rinse my face or do anything to help me. I raised my head and looked in the mirror.

I don't think so, I already have ears, this may not be necessary, but as a tail, the tail must be serious. Agghh, well, I'll probably have to live with that for a while, I sighed and went back to bed. I lay down and started rolling. And how do you sleep with this? I rolled over for a moment, then remembered how my cat slept before she died.
Can I move with him? I twisted the tip of my tail yeah I could. I turned to the wall and put my tail between my legs and to my hands.Yeah, so this is nice. I smiled to myself, and after a few contented inhales and exhales, I fell asleep slowly curled up in a ball and covered with a blanket.


,,Do you always have to watch me when I sleep?" I said with my eyes closed, because it was clear to me who it was.
,,Your alarm clock rang and you put it down, I had to wake you up somehow," he smiled
Why he's still smiling makes me smile too, but I'm not going to smile this time.
I'm awake already" I sat down and threw my legs down from the bed and saw his gaze.
,,I know what you want to ask, yes I have a tail, no I don't know how he appeared he was just here last night and you can't touch" I said and now his gaze has changed from 'OMG what is it' to 'okay I have nothing to ask' .

,,Anything else?"
,,No, nothing anymore"
,,And now if you would be so kind and wouldn't want to hand me a jacket, a shirt, etc. It's at the closet, please "
,,Yeah," he got up and handed me my things.
,,Thanks" I took them and laid them on the bed next to me.

Now I realized that the one who has a cat at home will know how I feel, thanks to the tail and ears, whyyyyy?
I got up and started to change.
,,How are you going to explain to others not to touch you when what happens next?" He said quite quietly, and blush appearing on his face.
,,I haven't thought about it yet, the only thing I was thinking about was how I'm going to talk to Habari," I replied, taking on my shirt.
,,She's not to blame, she panicked"
,,When they panic on a mission, no one will do anything about it."
,,Leave it alone, you won't do anything about it anyway"
,,Fine" I waved my tail angrily and crawled into the bathroom.

[Hizashi's pov]

,,Fine," he said quite calmly, waving his tail quickly and disappearing into the bathroom.
OMG what was that, that was nice, he can move normally, that I would learn how to recognize the feelings of cats? Yeah it sounds good, but how? Or I'll learn it from him in a moment. This is going to be fun.

I went to the bathroom behind him and started looking for a hair brush.
,,Didn't you see the brush?" I looked at him and he was brushing his hair? Since when has he has brushing his hair? It's weird.
,,Yeah, I'll give it to you in a moment," he said, and continued to brush his hair. It's because it's a cat, like it's clean or  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON
,,Here" handed me the comb and left.
,,Yeah thanks" I took it and started combing the sparrow's nest on my head like every day.
,,If you want to make it, you should move," he called. I left the bathroom, took my bag, and went to the door and asked him.
,,Are you coming too or would you rather go alone?"
,,Yeah I'm going" he came to me and came out of the door. I followed him. When we went all the way out in front of the building, I started talking to him, so I talked to him and he answered in the style of 'hmm' and 'mm' .
,,For what this time?"
,,For those ears" I blushed a little when I remembered.
,,You've already apologized and I said good.""
But I'm really sorry"
,,Yeah, I know you already said that"
,,Can you forgive me"
,,I've forgiven you about five times already.",

And then there was silence, I watched him, and when he turned to me I said that 'oi I wasn't the next one '.
,,Why are you looking at me?"
,,I? I'm not looking at you "
,,Then why do I look at me when I turn to you?"
That would be a poor excuse it seems to you
,,Now you said you were looking at me, I'm innocent," I said victorious.
,,I'm looking at you because you're looking at me and I'm uncomfortable"

We went to school and this time I calmed down in my place and still tried to talk about what actually happened yesterday.

As he moaned, my name. Nonono don't think he's your friend. Which one I like. No, you don't like him, it's just because of what happened. I've loved him for a long time. Should I tell him? Yeah, he likes you too anyway. Dude, you screwed up !?
I argued with myself.

Oh my dear dear weebs

I'm back with the next chapter, it hasn't been that long since I released the previous one and I'm here again

1) I have more time because CORONA

2) I had an idea of ​​what to write3) Do you think Zashi should tell him or not?4) Should I ever write some Smut?

I hope you liked the chapter, and again sometime at the next one


Your Tomato 🍅

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