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[Hizashi's Pov]

So I didn't expect this, but it's nice. W-What does it do ?!
I felt my tail wrap around my leg. I moved my hands to his hips and squeezed them quite tightly.
,,Mm ~" he sighed softly and pulled away sharply.
,,What?" I looked at him blankly.
He pulled his tail back to him, went to sit on the bed, and put his head in his hands.
,,Sorry, I don't know what happened"
I walked over to him, sat on the bed, put one hand in the back of his hair and the other on his leg.
,,If I didn't want to, I wouldn't do it, I didn't mind," I smiled.
He looked at me and I just smiled at him.
Why is he so cute, but it's not possible like this.
I moved the hand I had placed on the back of his hair to his face, pulled him closer, and kissed him rather gently again. After a while he joined too. I kissed him gently before pulling away again. Why does it do it when it's nice? Then I heard something.
,,Are you purring? Awww it's cute "I stroked his thigh with the other hand
,,No and stop it" he nodded and took my hand away.
,,Isn't that nice to you? I won't do that well "
,,And that meant nothing, nothing but that if you wanted we could stay friends."
,, W-What? I thought you didn't mind. I thought we could be something more "
,,You thought and I know it won't, and now go to your bed."
It surprised me, but I still got up and whimpered to my bed.
I guess I ruined it, now he won't talk to me, mainly you have to pretend that nothing happened so that others don't ask.
I whimpered softly on the bed, trying to explain to myself what was happening now.

[Shota's Pov]

Maybe I should explain it to him that I did it because it smells nice, maybe I wouldn't mind being with him.,,Hizashi?"
,,How did you think we could be anything more?" I said quietly
,,Well, more like, like having a relationship as a couple, just being together as friends, so if you don't mind being with a boyfriend?"
,,Well, since I'm not completely attracted to girls, I wouldn't mind," I said almost inaudibly.
I saw him notice and immediately got up and followed me back.
,,So you wouldn't mind?" His eyes light up
,,No, I just don't want any attention in public where there are more people, then I would probably mind"
,,I'll do whatever you want to be happy," he smiled
,,Thank you"
"I can ... Fuck it we're on our own" he started kissing me.
I stepped back a little on the bed so he could go upstairs. As I thought, he climbed up on the bed. I started to be kind of under him and somehow I was lying on my back.
,,Zashi ~?" I muttered between kisses
,,What, kitty?"
Kitty ?! He really told me the kitty,,I'm not ready for this yet, can we please another time?"
,,Okay, but tell yourself when you're ready," he smiled
,,Thank you, but we can cuddle if you want"
,,Of course I do," he lay down next to me
I snuggled up to him, crossed my legs, and wrapped my tail around his leg.
,,Does it bother you like that?"
,,No, nevermind, it's very nice like that," he put his arm around me from below and pulled me as close to him as possible.
,,Thank you"
,,It's nothing, I like it too," he stroked my back
I began to whistle loudly, let go of his foot with my tail and swayed him nicely.
,,You're terribly cute" stroked my hair between my ears with his other hand.
I purred even louder.
,,I'm not"
,,Yes you are, and do you know when you're even cuter?"
Before I could answer, he began scratching my ears from the inside.
,,Zashi ~" I moaned softly, tilting my head more towards him so he could scratch more.

[* SMUT SO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SKIP BEFORE YOU SEE ANOTHER BOLD INSCRIPTION *],,But they say you're not cute even when you do this."
,,Zashi ~ please ~"
,,What are you asking for, kitty ~?"
I rolled over him and leaned over.
,,Zashi ~ maybe I want you please ~, maybe I'm ready ~"
He rolled me under him, put his hand under my shirt, and began to unzip it with the other. I rose above my elbows and began to kiss him quite gently, after which he retaliated and threw me all over my back. I tried to unbutton his shirt.
Fucking little buttons, it can't be unbuttoned properly.
,,Zashi ~ be gentle please"
,,I will, I'll do it for you kitty~ "he said in my ear and started kissing me again.
Why am I actually doing this, I still have some dignity, don't I? But it is true that it smells absolutely luxurious and it cannot be resisted.

I shivered pleasantly and managed to unbutton his shirt, which I ran under my hand. When he realized that it was unbuttoned, he threw it away somewhere and I could get rid of the beautiful look.
,,Like  what you see~?" He said, starting to take off my pants.
,,Yes ~" I sighed softly and enjoyed his touch.
He leaned close to my neck, which began to occupy kisses and bites fiercely when he came across something that made me feel completely amazed.
"Ah ~ Zashi ~ that was nice."
He continued to work on my neck while he took off his pants and they were both lying in my boxers.

[* OKAY IS END *]But I can't do it, I can't sleep with him right after I get together with him, it just doesn't work.,, Zashi? I ... I'm sorry to lure you, but I can't, I can't hang out with you as soon as we get together "I whined.
I'm so sorry for himHe sighed loudly and lay down next to me again.
,,I understand, first of all God knows what's going on in you when you're half a cat, secondly, it would probably be your first time and you would probably like to enjoy it somehow and right away with someone you get together with and thirdly I'm glad you're he said quite early, then I wouldn't have to hold on "he pulled the blanket over us and at least cuddled at me.
He cuddle me and l cuddle him too.

Oh my dear dear weebs

I know it's been a while, but the next chapter is in the world

Maybe you're not stoning me for what I did, and lured you to a smutthat didn't even happen

Sorry grils and boys

I almost forgot about my four remarks.

1) No stones, yes, as I don't mind Eijiro, but I prefer a sleepy cat and a loud parrot with a banana on his head

2) Yes, I know, the chapters are not published regularly, I'm not to blame okhe? I'm collapsing from the spoilers right now3) Don't worry, the ✨smut✨chapters will be seen as well. I have them planned😏4) How are you? And how are you looking forward to the next chapter? (Which I don't know when it will be again)

With love somewhere deep underground and joyfully still undiscovered


Your Tomato🍅

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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