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Martin stomped towards her, cold steel barrel pressed to her forehead, and Lana kicked hard. His knee cap gave out and her hands went to the gun. She twisted free, jerking away as the chair tilted and collapsed.

It was a struggle. His blind fury and crushing weight bearing down on her.

She got control. He reached for the weapon.

The sound of the gun going off exploded through the warehouse.



Voight surged forward as the gunshot echoed. He heard his team breaching behind him. He cleared the corner and saw her, fallen still on the concrete floor.

Voight didn't comprehend what his heart did in that moment.

Martin Jackman lay half across her leg, blood rushing from a wound in his shoulder, and Lana stirred, shoving him off as he groaned in agony.

His team was on the scene, everyone moving like clockwork. "You got him?" Antonio asked, stepping by Voight, going to Lana as Erin trained her gun on the injured man, Ruzek calling for an ambulance.

Antonio checked Lana over. "Nice going, Milani." The hug he pulled her into was brief, a slight slap on the back that didn't hide his evident relief. 

She smiled at him, patted Olinsky's shoulder as she passed him. Shook her shoulders out a little. Voight was just staring. He hadn't moved from his place, hadn't needed to but there was something frozen about the way he stood.

 Their gazes met and his lips moved, the only part of him that wasn't betraying him.

"I'll need your report, Milani."

She nodded, "You'll have it by end of shift."


Erin insisted on driving her home. Offered to come in, hang out for a while, a little girl time to forget she had almost been shot today.

Lana politely refused. Said she was tired.

She made it til almost 8 o'clock.

Voight answered before she could barely knock.

His fingers tangled in her hair, urgent. Demanding.

She hardly noticed as he led her upstairs, felt the softness of the mattress give beneath her as he laid her down. His lips hadn't left hers. Insistent. Everything she needed to forget.

She couldn't take the guilt, couldn't shut it out, memories of the truth. She needed Voight to erase every twisted thought. Needed him to stop the voices chasing round in her head.

Voight couldn't believe she was here.

After everything that had happened. Everything that man had said to her before he placed a gun against her skull. That working for Voight made her dirty. That she deserved what was happening because of the kind of cop he was.

He was a shadow cast over the people around him and the only thing he could do to make it better was to put the darker shadows away.

But right now, with the sound of her breath and the feel of her fingertips, he didn't feel like a mistake. Like a black mark on his own record. All he felt was her.

He knows what she wants, but he can't do it. He can't be that rough, that detached. He presses into her slowly and watches her come apart beneath him, trembling, fingers tense against his skin, gripping him to her.

What I Need- a Hank Voight Chicago PD fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now