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Something wasn't right. There was tension in the air that everyone seemed to steadfastly ignore. Erin tore a page from her notepad, crumbled it with more force than necessary and tossed it aside with a mumbled curse.

Lana paused, the box of files she had just signed for downstairs still in her hands. She had been gone for 7 minutes, what exactly had she missed?

Ruzek glanced up as she moved forward, clocking her headed to Voight's door, and stumbled out a, "Lana, wait!"

She snapped to a stop like she was about to step on a landmine, and Ruzek coughed. "Oh, I, uh, you might wanna hold off taking that in there just yet."


Antonio stood with an eyeroll, "You really wanna make her responsible for making Voight wait for something he asked for?"

Ruzek turned timid at that, and Lana stared Antonio down when he tried to take the box from her.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothing," Antonio shrugged, "Voight just had a run in with the commander. That always puts him in a bad mood."

"Run in about what?" Lana demanded, tugging back on the box.

"Don't know. Not really planning to ask either," he gestured with his chin to her desk, "your phone's been ringing."
Whatever was going on, no one was going to talk about it. She debated pushing further before relenting and just letting Antonio have the box.

She walked to her station, saw the message light blinking, and Lana settled in to return some calls.


"Pssst. Erin."

It came through the near empty office. Antonio, Ruzek and Attwater were out on a call. Olinsky flipped a page on the file he was reading, not even glancing up to where Platt stood at the top of the stairs.

She waved the younger agent over and stood, foot tapping impatiently until Erin reached her.

"Well take your time, why don't you," she huffed, and Erin's brow rose.

"You need something, Platt?"

Some of that sass was coming out, the kind Trudy knew Voight must have had his hands full trying to tame, and Trudy pursed her lips. "Hmm, you didn't get this from me."

A glance into the office showed a pointedly disinterested Olinsky the only witness, and she slipped Erin the file.

Erin opened it on the spot, and Trudy shook her head. "Why not just wave it around why don't you."

"Trudy," Erin flipped the pages, tone incredulous, "this is the commander's case notes, how did you get this?"

Platt looked insulted. "Like I don't have my ways." She lowered her voice. "It's worse than we thought, kid, Commander isn't just on a witch hunt with this one. She's putting something together here."

Erin's brow furrowed. "Got it. I'll look into it."

Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and Erin turned on her heel, folder under her arm. The others were back and she returned to her desk like she had never left it.

There wasn't much to report from the guys, they had ID'ed their main suspect, Ringman, but so far couldn't seem to find him. That alone would have been enough to set Voight off, without the commander dropping more pressure on top of it. Erin stared at the file, tempted to dig in to the glimpses she had caught earlier when hands suddenly appeared on her desk.

Antonio was leaning over them. "I could use some coffee."

He lifted the file clear off Erin's desk as he straightened, and Erin shot to her feet. She quick stepped behind Antonio into the break room, and jabbed a finger at the man casually opening the folder that held the commander's stolen notes.

What I Need- a Hank Voight Chicago PD fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now