February 7 2015

837 33 3

Harry woke up in the morning and felt like he was starting all over again. The bed was empty beside him and he was starting to get used to what it felt like waking up alone again.

Harry: "zayn?"

Zayn: "I'm in the bathroom"

Harry: "doing what?"

Zayn: "brushing my teeth"

He emerged from the bathroom with a foamy mouth and Harry smiled.

Harry: "you know how much I hate waking up alone, yet you keep leaving me here."

Zayn: "it's 10"

Harry: "and I wanna cuddle"

Zayn: "we've gotta go soon"

Harry: "whatever"

The rest of the time they got ready, Harry got no attention whatsoever. He felt like they were backtracking, and he hated it. He held back tears every time it crossed his mind, not wanting to seem upset.

Harry: "I'm going downstairs"

Zayn: "you're ready already?"

Harry: "I've got nobody to impress cause my boyfriend doesn't seem to wanna give me any attention this morning"

before zayn could reply Harry had shut the door and started walking down the hallway alone. He met up with the boys in the lobby and they met him with questioning looks.

Harry: "if you're gonna ask where Z's at, he'll be down soon. He's just not giving me any attention and it's pissing me off."

Liam: "aw someone's clingy this morning"

Harry: "he didn't even kiss me good morning..."

Liam saw the hurt in Harry's eyes as he walked outside alone and hopped in the car, not bothering to wait for any of the boys to follow.

Louis: "he seems really upset"

Liam: "probably because Zayn doesn't wanna be here and it's rubbing off on him. He's hurting too."

As they were cleaning up, Zayn joined them out of the elevator with a fake smile.

Zayn: "good morning"

Liam: "morning Z"

Zayn: "where's Harry at?"

Niall: "he's pissed"

Zayn: "yeah I got the brunt of it believe me"

Niall: "he's in the car already"

Zayn: "what'd he say?"

Louis: "he wasn't getting any attention"

Zayn: "we were both doing our own things getting ready, I didn't know he wanted me that bad."

Louis: "he always wants you that bad Zayn, you're all he wants. He wants your attention all the time."

Zayn: "I know but I guess I just didn't think about it"

Liam: "you haven't even kissed him this morning?"

Zayn: "I uh...I guess not no."

Liam: "we know you're struggling man, and we wanna help...but pushing Harry away is the worst thing to do. He loves you."

Zayn: "I'm not trying to! I'm just stressed and sometimes I don't think he gets it."

Niall: "now don't blame it on him"

Zayn: "I love him. Everyone knows that. Sometimes I just suck ass at showing it, and his love language is physical touch. That's where we're different and I forget sometimes."

Niall: "he looked really hurt when he left, maybe you should go talk to him before we all have to pile in"

Zayn: "yeah you're right...see you guys in the car"

Zayn walked off to the SUV that was parked outside the hotel with tinted windows. He knew Harry would be sitting in the far back, and so he climbed in, sitting as close to him as he could.

Zayn: "I'm not even gonna beat around the bush, I'm sorry. You wanted attention and I didn't give you any. But I'm here, and I love you. Can I have a kiss?"

Harry: "it didn't cross your mind until someone said something Z"

Zayn: "because our love languages are so different baby, you know this. I'm not the best at affection, and I've been getting better because I know it's what you need. I'm sorry."

Harry: "it's not what I need Zayn, it's what I want. And I get I'm being selfish but you didn't even kiss me this morning. Not once. I just feel so lonely when I wake up anymore and it breaks my heart."

Zayn: "because I'm not in bed with you?"

Harry: "you never used to leave me in bed, you always waited until I was up to get up and start going. But recently it's just been go, go, go...and I don't even get my morning cuddles. It's the little things that matter Z."

Zayn: "come here and let me hold you then"

Harry: "you make me crazy"

Zayn: "in a good way?"

Harry: "depends on the day"

Zayn scoffed, pretending to be offended but he sighed when Harry leaned back into him. Over putting up a fight.

Zayn: "I'm sorry. I should've given you attention when you asked."

Harry: "it's not all about me anyway"

Zayn: "in my eyes it is."

Harry: "then show me"

Zayn smiled and Harry lifted his head from his comfortable position to press a soft kiss to his lips. It felt relaxing, something he'd been craving all morning.

Zayn: "I'm really not looking forward to today baby, and I just wanna be honest with you."

Harry: "how come?"

Zayn: "I feel controlled 24/7"

Harry: "yeah you told me that"

Zayn: "and I don't wanna worry you, I don't want you to think you're not making me happy, it's just...this kinda overpowers everything else good. I'm constantly stressed."

Harry: "are you gonna leave?"

Zayn: "what do you mean?"

Harry: "leave the tour?"

Zayn: "I'm not gonna lie, it's crossed my mind. But I haven't thought much into it."

Harry: "oh..."

Zayn: "but I don't want you to stress about me...no matter what the future looks like for this band and our careers, it's always gonna me you and me. That's all. Just us forever."

Harry: "but if you leave and I don't it's gonna change everything"

Zayn: "it might, but it's not gonna change what we have."

Harry: "I'm gonna get sick over this"

Zayn: "no you're not, cause I told you I haven't even thought about it more than once. I love you and my fans too much to disappoint either of you right now."

Harry: "yeah...right now."

Zayn: "stop, everything is gonna work out. I love you, just know that."

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