Zaria Jones

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As I was sitting in English class listening to Mr. Price ramble about Shakespeare, I noticed Emma trying to hand me a note. I took the note and I read it to myself silently. "Hey so I have been talking with my friends and I wanted to invite you to our lunch table. My friends want to know you are being a good friend to me and I don't know. I think it would be nice to eat lunch with you," the note read.

"Wow Miller. Sounds like you seriously have a crush on me. Introducing me to your friends. What's next? Your dad?" I wrote and passed the note back.

"Shut up and just have lunch with me," Emma wrote back and I smiled.

"I would love to have lunch with you loser," I wrote and she smiled at me and tucked the note into her bag. She always kept the notes we would pass. It was cute and it made me feel just a little more special.

Gym came and it seemed like Emma was staring at Olivia the whole time while getting dressed in the locker room. It was like Emma had a lot on her mind. She caught me looking at her and she sighed. "You'll get her and Logan back," I whispered.

"Yeah. I just can't believe one of my friends would be with my boyfriend. Even if I didn't actually like him," she said and I laughed. Olivia then walked over which made me chuckle as I put on my jersey.

"You catching a crush on me too Emma? I saw you staring," Olivia laughed attempting to make a joke but it just pissed me off.

"You seem to think everyone would drop their panties for you. You honestly need to think again Stewart," I said and Olivia sent a quick glare to me. She pursed her lips in a thin line trying to think of a comeback and I just crossed my arms and waited. "Aw. Sorry. Didn't mean to bust your bubble," I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Forget it. I guess I will see you both at lunch," Olivia scoffed and walked back to Ally and Hannah.

Emma turned to me and gave me a look. "Don't look at me like that. It was honestly funny," I said trying not to laugh.

"Please just be nice to them today so they won't hate you at lunch," she said and I smiled.

"Miller. Have you met me? I am the nicest person in this school," I said and she rolled her eyes. Emma moved to zip up her duffle bag and some strands of hair fell into her face. She stood up and looked at me and I just couldn't stop looking at those couple of strands. I moved my hand forward and tucked the hair behind her ear making her blush. I smiled and she gave me a shy smile back.

"See you after practice?" she asked, all flustered.

"See you after practice," I repeated and she walked out of the locker room.

I sat down for a moment and let out a sigh. Emma really was too good for this world and I knew I was going to really hurt her with how I am. I didn't think one bump in the hallway and me making fun of her in the locker room would lead to this. Before I could get up and grab my duffle bag it slid across the floor. I looked at Olivia who had her hands on her hips and a smug look on her face. Whatever. It wasn't the worst thing that has happened to me. It didn't even get in the top ten or even the top fifty. I didn't know why it had gotten underneath my skin the way it did.

"What was that for?" I asked about to walk to my bag but she stepped in front of it.

"You're invited to eat lunch with all of us but don't even think for a second that anyone likes you. Emma is the only one who does and I don't think she will after she finds out how fucked up you are," Olivia said crossing her arms and Hannah and Ally just watched.

"Whatever Stewart. I don't really care about you or what you say and I never have. Sorry that I made you so insecure a moment ago. I didn't want to make you feel so threatened to the point to where you would need to kick my bag and give me a frowny face," I said, slowly walking closer. "My bag is behind you. You're in the way Olivia," I glared and for a moment she actually looked scared of me. She only looked that way for a second and she put on her big girl face to stare me down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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