Levi Valencia

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Chapter Two: Levi Valencia

My fingers drummed across the steering wheel as I.F.L.Y. by Bazzi played in the background. I mumbled the lyrics underneath my breath and I leaned back trying to think. Emma is so stupid sometimes. I don't think she realizes her worth. Whatever. She can hang out with brainwashed preppy kids and kiss number 28's cheek. Maybe she will even upgrade to kissing him on the lips.

"A beautiful girl as my number one fan. Ew. He just wants into her pants," I scoffed out loud which is a little hypocritical on my part. Shut up. You don't want in your friend's pants. Yeah you do. My brain needs to shut up.

A small knock on my passenger window made me jump and nearly squeal. Speak of the devil. It is the girl you want to.. No, that is your friend. I frown at her and she frowns back.

"Come on. Unlock the door!" her muffled voice spoke.

I gave her a petty smile and turned up the music making her pout. Damn. How can I say no to that face? I pressed the unlock button and she hopped into the passenger seat.

"Do you need anything Emma?" I asked which kind of felt weird since I am usually calling her some nickname. I could tell she noticed it too.

"Just wanted to hang out and sit next to my best friend," she said and I knew it was a lie.

"Why not find Logan's car?" I asked and I immediately regretted it.

"You know I don't like him Levi. My friends are just on my ass all the time and I didn't want to start anything," she said which was pretty much just an excuse.

"So let's get them off of your ass. We are already going to prom together. Why don't we pretend to date? I'm socially acceptable and we have been best friends since forever. It will help you get away from Logan and your friends pressuring," I sputtered out.

"That actually isn't a bad idea. And they would never know that we weren't actually dating because when I finally catch feelings for someone we can pretend to break up. Wow. We could do this," she smiled and my heart stung. When I finally catch feelings for someone we can break up. What if I don't want to break up?

"Yup. So, would you do the honor and be my pretend girlfriend?" I smiled at her playfully.

"I would love to be your pretend girlfriend!" she smiled brightly and I almost knew that she would break my heart.

"As my first noble quest. Would you like a ride home with me instead of riding with those barbie beasts?" I asked and she laughed and nodded.

"Of course," she sighed and I just smiled at her.

After dropping her off at home I made it to mine and I took off my shoes and walked inside. The moment I had walked in the smell of my moms cooking flooded my nose and chased away anything bad in the world. Rice, Sausage, and Beans. One of my favorites. I walk in the kitchen with a big smile and my mom turns and smiles back at me.

"Shouldn't you still be working at the Diner?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I may have gotten out of my shift tonight so we could have dinner and a movie," she said instantly making my day.

I went and got washed up after setting all of my school stuff down. When my mom is home it is like the world could end and I would still be happy. People my age are usually embarrassed by their mom and maybe don't have a good relationship with their mom at all but that isn't how it is at my house. She works too hard sometimes. I mean for a single mother you have to. What else can you do when your husband abandons you with an eight year old boy?

I help set everything up like the foldable tables we put in front of the couch and the plates and silverware and finally the tv. My mom calls me from the kitchen to come fix a plate and after that we both sit down in our spot and we watch some random movie on Netflix.

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