Levi Valencia

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Kissing girls? What the hell was she thinking? I went through my day not even caring that Emma was upset about Zaria. Why would she be upset? Them taking space apart from another is a good thing but it seems as if I don't know the best things anymore. I thought saying my peace and leaving my dad would make me feel better.

Guess what. I didn't feel better.

Logan walked into the lunch room with a huge smile on his face and his cocky aura floating around him as if he was a prince that had just slain a dragon. He turned and walked towards our table. Why the hell was he walking towards our table?

"You girls must have done something right because you will never guess what just happened," Logan laughed ignoring me and only looking at the girls.

"What was she moping over Zaria?" Olivia rolled her eyes and he shook his head.

"She just told me that she had feelings for me," he said confidently.

"What?" I choked.

"Oh yeah. Sorry if I was the reason the two of you broke up," Logan said and I just looked at him with hate in my eyes.

I can't believe Emma. Didn't she hate him? Didn't she even hate the idea of them kissing? First she kisses Zaria and now she is admitting her so-called feelings to Logan? I angrily looked at my plate wanting to leave the cafeteria. Olivia must have noticed because she scoffed. She gave me that look that told me to stop being a baby and I wanted to listen. I liked Olivia the most out of the girls. She wasn't racist which was a starter. I think her and Emma were the only thing keeping me at this table.

I took a breath and nodded toward her to show that I was okay. She gave me a small smile which actually brought a smile to my face. At least she kind of acknowledges how I feel. Logan was ranting about Emma and how they would get together soon and I just resumed my eating, drowning everyone out. Me and Emma definitely have to talk about her feelings. She has always been such a puzzle and I am tired of trying to solve her.

When the bell rang I went to my car since it was free period and I didn't really hang out anywhere else. I took a breath listening to the radio in the background and there was a soft knock on my window. I looked up expecting to see Emma but instead I met Olivia's brown eyes. Sometimes I forget that the barbie trio used to be some of my closest friends. They got popular and it seemed like the only person I remained friends with was Emma. I rolled down my window and looked around her. It was just her which kind of surprised me.

"You need something Liv?" I asked and she smiled.

"It has been forever since you have called me that," she said and I shrugged.

"It has been forever since we have actually talked. You are kind of a bitch," I said and she laughed.

"Yeah... I know. It is tiring you know? Popularity has really gone to my head. You have always just been a breath of fresh air," she admitted.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, confused.

"Emma has been really messed up about Zaria. I can tell. Zaria was her breath of air and I don't know what but something bad happened between them," Olivia nodded.

"So whatever happened between us? I remember when we were just middle schoolers with fat crushes on each other," I said and she laughed.

"Are you going to let me sit in your car with you? It is a little chilly outside," she said and I smiled and unlocked my car. She then went around my car and climbed into the passenger seat.

"I guess high school happened and you were crushing on Emma by then," she teased and I groaned.

"Crushing on Emma always ends bad," I sighed.

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