Zaria Jones

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My eyes fluttered open and I stare at the grey world in front of me. I am awake now but it is as if my thoughts are weighing me to the bed. It is too hard to get up. My clock stares me in the eyes and warns me. I know. I sighed and finally pushed my feet to the ground. I lifted my tired body up and I dragged myself to the bathroom.

After getting ready for school I grabbed a honeybun to eat since there weren't any other groceries to cook breakfast with. I threw away the wrapper and I stared at the trashcan. It was a trash can filled with empty beer cans. I could have sworn I had just taken out the trash the night before. How could he have already gone through so much? I grabbed my bag, slipped on my shoes, and I inched towards my keys.

"You aren't going to say goodbye to your Dad before you go to school?" my dad called and I let out a defeated sigh.

I dragged my feet across the floor and I walked into the living room where my dad was sitting with an already open beer right next to him. I went in for a hug and he kissed me on the head.

"Have a good day. I love you," he said and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

At least he was in a good mood.

"Love you too," I mumbled and I made my way to the hallway.

"Stop dragging your feet and fix your posture. What's wrong with you? Are you sad or something? Lift your head up," he ordered and I nodded.

"Just tired Daddy," I nodded and I grabbed my keys making a swift exit.

It wasn't fully a lie. I was tired. I was tired of all the shit he put me through. All of the bottles and cans, all the yelling and screaming, all of the broken doors and broken windows, all the times I had to watch him fight with my mom, all the times I had to see her be pushed around and sometimes get hit. I was tired of everything and more. I was so damn tired. It made sense. I got why it was so hard to get out of bed every morning. It was like everytime I stood up the monsters under my bed were ready to grab my ankles and drag me down and down to the deepest depth of hell they could put me through.

God had dealt me such a shitty hand. I would give anything to throw my cards into his face.

I pulled up to Emma's house and she was already standing in her spot on her sidewalk where she always waits for me. She was just standing there. All prettied up in her cheer uniform with her hair down and as if she were an angel the wind would bend to her will and blow her hair out of her face making her look like a goddess. I realized why the brainless barbies took her in so fast.

She jumped in and I smiled.

"Always so eager to see me Miller," I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"You're so full of yourself," she said and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Sure babe whatever you say," I laughed.

"Another game day," Emma sighed and I glanced over to her.

"You have been able to avoid Logan for this long," I said and she looked over at me.

"It isn't just Logan. It is everyone. I hate the cheer squad," she huffed making me chuckle.

"Then. Why did you join?" I asked.

"Hannah, Olivia, and Ally recruited me. I thought it would be a dream like in the movies. Being a popular cheerleader. It is the opposite," she sighed.

"Then why don't you quit?" I asked.

"I could get a scholarship," she said, making me groan.

"Look at your grades and tell me you couldn't get a scholarship without cheer," I said and it was like the thought had just dawned on her for the first time.

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