00 • Troublemaker

418 12 3

Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves !!


-third-person pov-


Dream heard the screams of Sapnap and laughed. He then placed down his coffee mug on the table and walked to find Sapnap. There, he saw a Sapnap stuck between the bedroom door. He wheezed. 

"Stop laughing! Get me unstuck from here!" Sapnap said struggling to even move.

Dream then used most of his strength to push Sapnap through the door. Sapnap then fell straight forward onto the floor, Dream fell on top of Sapnap. Dream laughed softly. 

"Get up. You're so fucking heavy." Sapnap scuffed.

"Says the one who's about 60kg." Dream said rolling his eyes.

He then got up and lend a hand to Sapnap. Sapnap then stood up. He then pushed Dream down onto the floor. Dream was shocked.

"Just wanted to test out if I was 60kg, don't mind me," Sapnap said with a smirk.

Dream let out a quiet sigh and laughed. He then grabbed Sapnap and pushed him beside him. He then looked at Sapnap in the eyes. Sapnap did the same. 

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are, Sap?" Dream said softly. 

Sapnap then blushed. He looked away from Dream. Dream then laughed softly. He placed one of his hands on Sapnap's cheek and pulled him closer to him. Their noses touched. Sapnap looked at Dream nervously. 

Dream smiled and looked at Sapnap's plumped and luscious lips. He then leaned closer to Sapnap until both of their lips touched. Sapnap hesitated a bit but kissed back after. It turned into a passionate kiss. They kissed for a good minute before they pulled away from each other. Both of them breathed heavily. Sapnap then pushed Dream away from him and stood up, blushing a lot. 

"What was that for?!?!" Sapnap said.

"Well, you didn't deny it." Dream said with a smile.

He then stood up and held Sapnap's hand. Sapnap immediately let go and looked at Dream. He then turned around and walked to the kitchen. 

"Did I go too far...? Maybe I should check up on him..." Dream thought in his mind. 

He then walked towards the kitchen to find Sapnap. He saw him taking a glass of water from the water dispenser and drinking it. He let out a sigh of relief. Sapnap then saw him and quickly placed down the glass of water and walked away. Dream's eyes widened when that happened.

"Wait, Sap! Did I went too far?" He asked worryingly. 

Sapnap only giggled softly. He turned around and walked towards Dream. He hugged him. Dream hugged back gently but was quite confused. 

"I was just joking with you, dumbass," Sapnap said chuckling. 

Dream then let out another relieved sigh. I didn't go too far, everything's fine now, I don't have to worry about that much now. He thought in his mind once again.

"Don't joke with me like that next time. I was actually worried." Dream scuffed. 

Sapnap apologized and let go of Dream. He then walked back to the table to grab his glass of water. He then drank all of it down at once, gulping it down his throat.  

"Can we go out right now?" He asked. 

Dream hesitated a bit but then nodded after a while. Sapnap then excitedly rushed to the front door and put on his shoes. 

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