05 • Karl's Better for Sapnap

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Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves, although everything here is happening in irl places/events (kinda). Everything here is fictional, that's the point of it being named fanFICTION :]


-third-person pov-

Dream woke up from his bed, letting out a long yawn. He looked to his side, Sapnap wasn't there. He frowned. Maybe he's in the kitchen making me breakfast! He immediately got up from bed and walked to his closet. He picked out a plain green t-shirt and some grey sweatpants, the usual clothes he would wear. He opened his bedroom door and walked out. He looked at the kitchen, Sapnap wasn't there but there was a bowl of food on the table.

Dream only sighed. He walked up to the table and ate the food. He saw a small sticky note on the fridge. It said,

"went out to get groceries, will be back soon"

"Oh." Dream said frowning. "I have to be alone at home again. Welp."

Then, he walked to the couch and grabbed the remote control. He was going to watch some of his own YouTube videos. But before he could even press one button, the door bell rang. He excitedly walked towards the front door and opened it.

"Sap! your ba-"

"Look with your eyes, Dream."

Dream widened his eyes when he heard the voice. Karl... oh no, why is he here..? I'm in trouble...

"Heyy, Dreamy Boi. How're you doing with Sapnap? Been talking with him a lot lately?" Karl said with widened eyes and a cooked smile.

"n-no..?" Dream stuttered.

"Well, I forgot to tell you about something last time. I have a camera in the living room." Karl said.

Dream's eyes widened and started looking around for it. He looked at every corner of the living room but the camera is nowhere to be found. (cameranotfound smh)

"There's no need to look around, you'll never find it. Even if you found it, I'll have other ways to see what you guys are doing." Karl said once again.

He then shoved Dream inside and locked the door. He pulled out a knife and smiled.

"Remember this lil' guy?" He said showing the knife. Dream whimpered, he was not ready for this at all.

tw//blood/gore(?), mentions of torture

Karl slit a deep cut on Dream's shirt and into his skin, making blood flow out of the cut. Dream cried out a scream. Then, Karl pulled out a cloth from his pocket and shoved it into Dream's mouth to prevent him screaming again.

"You know... this is quite fun torturing you."

-end of tw-

After a while, Karl decided to finally stop. He looked at the masterpiece he tortured and laughed hysterically.

"You better break up with him sooner or later, or else this will happen again soon... I'll give you a week of time. I'll be going now, have fun!" He said with a smile and left the house.

Dream then let out a sigh of relief. He weakly stood up, limping his way to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and started crying.

"Look at how bad I look, full of scars, baggy eyes. Why would Sapnap even love a person like me? He deserves Karl, although he's like a fucking yandere." Dream said.

He searched through the cabinets, trying to find some bandages and medicine to heal his cuts. He managed to find some bandages and medicine after a while. He applied the medicine on all of his cuts, he winced in pain whenever he touched the cuts. After that, he bandaged himself with the bandages he found.

Dream quickly went into his bedroom and got out a hoodie to hide the bandages and scars. Then, he heard the front door open. He knew Sapnap was back. He cleared his throat and walked out. He saw Sapnap putting down the groceries on the table.

"Sappy!" Dream said faking out a happy laugh.

He ran up to Sapnap and gave him a hug.

"Dream! I was wondering where you were." Sapnap said chuckling, hugging Dream back.

"Also, why the fuck are you wearing a literal hoodie? It's like 40 degrees celsius outside." He said once again.

"40 degrees outside, 20 degrees inside." Dream said.

"20 degrees isn't even that cold." Sapnap scoffed.

"Whatever." Dream said rolling his eyes.

He then let go of Sapnap.

"I'm gonna go take a nap." He said

"Don't you want lunch?" Sapnap asked.

"I'm not hungry, just wake me at dinner time." Dream said.

Sapnap only nodded. Dream gave Sapnap a kiss on the cheek and walked to his room. He lied on his bed, Karl's words flash into his mind again.

"You better break up with him sooner or later, or else this will happen again soon... I'll give you a week of time"

The words repeated in his head, haunting him. Stop... stop. STOP! He screamed in his head. The words finally stopped, there's finally peace again. But now he's worrying about another thing, what he was going to do before breaking up with Sapnap. He didn't want to, but he had no choice. He didn't want himself to be hurt and suffering, he didn't want Sapnap to end up hurt, but he would have a happier life with Karl.

He got up from his bed. After that, got out a piece of paper and wrote down some plans for him and Sapnap do within the week. He spent a good 30 minutes thinking and writing down plans. He only wrote down plans for 6 days, leaving the 7th day empty with no plans. After that, Dream lied down on his bed once again and fell asleep. Karl's words still ringing through his head once in a while.

Man, this week is sure going to be full of fun! But after that, shits going to go down isn't it? or it won't? who knows.


I UPDATED, WOOO. I DIDN'T EVEN TAKE MY EXAMS BC IT WAS POSTPONED ONCE AGAIN SHEEEEEEEEEESH. also, I might have the next chapter finished by next monday.

dream's plan is going to separate into different chapters. example: Monday's plan on chapter 6, or maybe there's going to be 2 days' plan in one chapter.

Giving this a vote would be highly appreciated ❤️


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