06 • The Mall

121 8 6

Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves !!


-third-person pov-

Dream was excited to bring Sapnap to many different places in Florida, but he wasn't excited about what's going to happen after... anyway- ehem. It was 8 in the morning, he walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. After he was done, he waited for Sapnap to wake up. After a while, Sapnap finally woke up. He walked towards the living room. He saw Dream on the sofa and smiled.

"You finally woke up. I've been waiting for an hour bro." Dream said sarcastically.

"An hour?!?! Wow, you woke up early." Sapnap snickered.

"Whatever. Just eat breakfast first." Dream said.

Sapnap then walked to the kitchen and ate the food that was prepared by Dream himself. He stuffed his mouth full of food and smiled.

"Never knew you could cook," Sapnap said while his mouth was full.

"It's not like you've never eaten the food I cooked before." Dream scuffed.

"Whatever," Sapnap said swallowing down all the food that was in his mouth.

After he was done eating, he placed the plate in the sink and washed it.

"So, what's the occasion? You don't usually cook." Sapnap said.

"Well, might as well just cook breakfast for you for the whole week." Dream said shrugging.

"Yeah, might as well cook for you for the whole week before... I don't have the chances anymore." Dream mumbled to himself.

"Anyway! I'm gonna go change, you should too." He said.

"Where we going?" Sapnap asked.

"To the mall." Dream said standing up, walking to my room to change.

"Borrrringgg. But okay." Sapnap said walking to his room.

what dream wore ^^

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what dream wore ^^

what dream wore ^^

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