03 • Pain In the Heart

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Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves, although everything here is happening in irl places/events (kinda). Everything here is fictional, that's the point of it being named fanFICTION :]


-third-person pov-

Sapnap quit begging Dream to come out of his room. He was bored and decided to message Karl to hang out since he was bored. He knew this isn't that great of an idea, but Dream just wouldn't even come out of his room to talk to him.

hey Karl

wanna hang out?


Sure! I have nothing to do anyway


You decide :]

dreamland park?

I'll be there in 10 minutes!

cya then

Sapnap then went into his room to change into some proper clothes. He messaged Dream before he went out.

im going to hang out with karl since you dont want to talk or see me

i'll be back soon

i promise <3

He wore his shoes and grabbed his car keys. He got into his car and started driving to Dreamland Park. When he made it there, he saw Karl waiting there for him. He smiled. No... why the fuck did I smile? He's my ex and Dream's my boyfriend...

Dream was still in his little corner, eyes staring at the white ceiling, feeling like he was in a never-ending loop of crying, staring and thinking. He got startled by his phone, hearing a *ding!*. He weakly grabbed his phone from the floor and read the notification. It was a message from Sapnap. He clicked into the message.

Sap Baby <3
im going to hang out with karl since you dont want to talk or see me
read 5:13 pm

He's hanging out with Karl... at least he told me that. But still, he's hanging out with Karl... the Karl that made me stay away from Sapnap... the Karl that made my back have full of scars... the Karl that could steal Sapnap away from me.

"Everything's fine... everything's fine... I'm sure they won't do any funny business! Yeah... yeah!" Dream said.

Tears started to form in Dream's eyes. He couldn't stop the tears from flowing out of his eyes so he didn't bother to care. Crying your feelings out is better than keeping them in anyway. He cried for hours, thinking of how happy Sapnap would be with Karl, thinking about how many fun activities they'll do together, all this thinking made everything worst.

tw//panic attack

His lips started to dry up, tears are too. But the pain in his heart didn't stop, it continued aching. His breathing started to get unsteady, his chest starting to hurt as well. He laid on the floor and started crying again, trying to steady his breath but couldn't.

When he needed Sapnap the most, Sapnap isn't here...


Short chapter, I know. I was literally playing jackbox with my friends, everything was so nsfw bro, but it was fun.

we also played like, 2 rounds of gartic phone. everything was fun when your playing with friends.

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