01 • Things Changed, He also Changed

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Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves !!


-third-person pov-

Years have passed, both Dream and Sapnap have been living their life together happily. One day, Sapnap was sitting on the couch, waiting for Dream to come back home. He waited and waited, eventually falling asleep. He woke up a few hours later. He looked at the clock, it was 2 am and Dream was still not back. Sapnap started to worry a lot, so he called Dream. Dream picked up the phone.

"Dream! Where the fuck are you? It's literally 2 am! I've been waiting since 11 pm. You promised me you'd be back by 11 pm!" Sapnap said worryingly.

Dream didn't reply anything and just hung up the call. Sapnap then started to panic. He called Dream over and over again but he didn't pick up even once. Why isn't he picking up my phone calls? I should find him, like now.

He then grabbed his car keys, didn't bother to even change into proper clothes and started up the car. He drove to the closest pub since that's the only thing he thought that Dream would be at. He stopped his car outside and walked into the pub. He searched everywhere for a tall dirty blond-haired guy with freckles on his face, but he just couldn't see him. So he asked the people who were sober if they had seen him.

They all replied with a "nope" and Sapnap was only left with disappointment. Then, someone walked up to him. He tapped gently on Sapnap's shoulder. Sapnap then turned around. It was a man that had a beanie that wrote 'LAFD' on it and was about his height or more accurately, shorter than him.

"I heard you were trying to find a guy with dirty blond hair and had freckles on his face. I saw him walking to the back of the pub. I'll be going now, see ya!" The man said.

Sapnap was practically in tears, shouting a "Thank you!" to the man. The man with the beanie only waved at him as in a "your welcome". Sapnap then quickly rushed to the back of the pub. There, he saw Dream holding a cup of liquor, Sapnap assumed, and staring at the dark sky. He walked up to him and gently placed his hand on Dream's shoulder. Dream shivered at the sudden feeling but quickly calmed down. Sapnap then sat beside Dream.

"Your *hic* here." He said.

"Yeah, I'm here. Got worried that something happened since you only hung up on me." Sapnap said.

"How did you know I *hic* was here?" Dream said still looking at the mesmerizing night sky.

"It was the closest pub to us. I also assumed that you wouldn't go too far away from home. You don't like it when I get worried over you, but I worried over you today." Sapnap said, letting out a sigh.

"I'm... *hic* sorry." Dream said slowly turning his head around to face Sapnap.


"NO, IT'S NOT *hic* FINE!" He said cutting off Sapnap.

He then stood up abruptly. Sapnap did the same. He then only stared at Dream.

"I made you fucking worried... I made you drive over to this stupid pub... I made you..." Dream said, tears started to form in his eyes.

"Shh, it's fine baby... I'm not worried anymore! See, look at me! Look at how glad I am seeing you all perfectly fine!" Sapnap said wiping off Dream's tears and smiling softly at him.

Dream didn't say anything and only letting out quiet sobs. He then told Dream to sit down and he did. Sapnap sat down after Dream did. He pulled Dream into his arms and comforted him. Dream then snuggled onto Sapnap's shirt, enjoying the warmth of Sapnap's body. Sapnap only laughed softly.

"How 'bout I bring you back home?" He asked.

Dream only let out a hum, Sapnap assuming it's a yes. He pushed Dream off gently and stood up. Dream also stood up after. They then walked to Sapnap's car together. After 10 minutes, they finally made it back home. Sapnap saw that Dream looked tired so he decided to carry the 6'3 man on his back into his room. He placed Dream on the bed gently and watched in awe. He looked so cute when he's asleep.

Sapnap then joined in bed and slept next to Dream. He felt a hand suddenly on his body. Then, he got pulled towards Dream. Dream was snuggling up to him like a baby wanting to get attention. Sapnap only laughed quietly and then fell asleep after a while.

A few days have passed, Dream hasn't been the same. He has been in his own room 24/7, door locked, not coming out of the room to eat, or even talking much to Sapnap. Sapnap had been worrying a lot. He tried everything to get Dream out of his own room but nothing would work.

"Please, Dream. Just come out of your room. Let me see your pretty face. You could also tell me what's wrong, I'm sure I can help!" Sapnap pleaded.

The door then slowly creaked open. Dream stood there staring at Sapnap, eye bags under his eyes, eyes dull and his lips were dry. Sapnap observed every single spot of Dream's face slowly.

"Is this what you wanted? To see my 'pretty face'. Yeah, sure. I'm still pretty to you but not to myself." Dream said.

He then slammed the door at Sapnap and locked the door once again. Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows at what Dream just did. This is not him... He changed. What the fuck happened to him?


An update after like, one month??? wow, not surprised at all. Also, I decided that my schedule would be posting 2 chapters at once so uh (depends on if I can write 2 LMAO), yeah. I'll make sure everyone reading will be fed with [cEnsORed]

You'll all have to just wait and see, I'm not exposing anything LOL.

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