02 • Flashback

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Reminder: I am shipping their personas only and not their irl selves !! Everything here is fictional, that's the point of it being named fanFICTION :]

picture above ^
just a mental image of Dream's bedroom for this fanfic.


-third-person pov-

Dream was sitting in a corner, curtains closed, the whole room was dark. He stared at his green and dull wall. A flashback of what happened went through his head while hearing Sapnap banging on his door, begging him to come out and talk to him.

-the flashback-

Dream was just walking home from the supermarket, bringing some groceries home. He suddenly got a phone call and assumed it was Sapnap so he placed the groceries on the ground and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Sap! I'm on the way back home. You can stop worrying-"

"Heh, pathetic." A voice cut off what Dream was saying.

Dream widened his eyes. This is not Sapnap it's...

"Karl here. Just wanted to have a check-up on you and how you were doing with Sappy Poo~" The man on the other side of the phone, Karl, giggled at what he called Sapnap.

"Don't you dare call him Sappy Poo. He's not even your boyfriend anymore." Dream said gritting his teeth.

"Why can't I? No one's stopping me." Karl said laughing hysterically.

"I'm hanging up." Dream said, his finger getting closer to the 'end call' button.

"Do it then. Just don't regret it~ Toodles!" Karl said.

"Just be reminded, I'll be messaging you later~!" He said once again.

Dream then quickly tapped the 'end call' button and let out a sigh of relief. He's up to no good. He said to himself and shook his head. He then picked up the groceries again and continued walking home. He made it to his and Sapnap's house and opened the door.

"I'm back home!" He shouted loud enough for Sapnap to hear.

He then saw Sapnap running out of his room and towards him excitedly. Sapnap took the groceries and placed them on the kitchen table. Dream only laughed at how fast he went. He then closed the door and took off his shoes. Sapnap ran towards him once again, but this time hugging Dream tightly. Dream hugged back, squeezing Sapnap's waist gently.

"I'll go take a nap. I'm tired." He said yawning.

"That's what I was doing, sap-napping, but you woke me up. Your lucky that your my boyfriend or I'm gonna... I'm gonna-"

"Your gonna what? Break up with me?" Dream said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah! I'm not kidding about that." Sapnap said making a cute angry face.

"Whatever." Dream said rolling his eyes and laughed.

He then let go of Sapnap and walked into his bedroom. He immediately jumped onto his comfy and big bed. He laid down and sunk into his bed. He was about to fall asleep when he was disturbed by his phone notification. He groaned and got off his bed. He grabbed his phone from the table and clicked on the notification. He then sat on his bed and read the message.

I like how I still have your contact number. Heh.

Dream only rolled his eyes and started typing a reply to Karl.

what the fuck do want from me?

You should stay away from Sappy...

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